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Germany has experienced a flying electric car

About flying cars have been talking for about 100 years, if not more. At various times, science fiction writers, engineers, and businessmen spoke about them. Now they are not only talking about this, this idea has already been implemented, and there are several companies involved in the production of flying cars. They cost a lot, they need special permission to manage, plus such cars are not suitable for all roads. Therefore, they have not received much distribution. Soon we can expect progress in this area. It is possible that in a few years not only ro-mobiles with an autonomous control system, but also hybrids of a car and an airplane will already be driving on the roads.

The company Lilium Jet - one of those who are engaged in the development of such vehicles. But its products have differences from all other aeromobiles. Namely - running a flying machine on electricity, and not gasoline or diesel fuel. This vehicle, according to the developers, can make a vertical take-off and landing, just like a helicopter. Here are just no screws, like a helicopter. After takeoff, an electric air car can fly forward at high speed.

In order to make the flight possible, the developers equipped this electric vehicle, crossed with 36 jet engines, placing them on 10-meter wings. Part of the wing with the engines is movable, and during takeoff "looks" into the ground. After the Lilium Jet rises, this part of the wing takes a horizontal position and the plane flies forward.

Now the flying electric car is controlled remotely, although a manned flight is also just around the corner. According to the developers of Lilium, their vehicle consumes 90 percent less energy than aircraft in the form of drones. For this reason, an electric vehicle with wings can fly about 300 kilometers at a speed of 300 kilometers per hour.

In general, very good. As for the "electrification" of aircraft, their development is still in its infancy.

Electric cars are also not very common, although they have been produced for quite some time. Most electric vehicles have a power reserve of about 450 kilometers. As for electric airplanes and copters, rarely which systems can pick up speed above 130 km / h. And here it is also said about the vertical takeoff with landing, plus the possibility of flying as much as 300 kilometers.

The developers say that a battery is installed in their system, which in many respects is similar to the batteries that are installed in Tesla. The difference is that this electric car can fly, and not just drive on the roads, and, according to its creators, its energy consumption is very low.

In addition to flight characteristics, the developers of Lilium put a lot of effort into ensuring flight safety. Despite the fact that the company is still developing unmanned vehicles, it is soon planned to create and manned aircraft. Here, in particular, it is planned to place parachutes for the driver and passengers. Also, the developers have created the “Flight Envelope Protection System”, which does not allow the pilot to go beyond the safe piloting mode.

The maximum number of passengers, which is designed for a flying electric car - five people. So with the capacity of the device, too, everything is fine. The flights are planned to be carried out not so much in a deserted area, as in urban conditions, in dense buildings. According to the developers, everything should happen as follows: a person chooses a place to fly, for example, a sight, a part of the road goes along the road, and a part flies, landing on the roof of the building (of course, only if there is a landing pad).

The device is designed for middle class representatives, according to the company's management, nothing super-expensive is planned. Take advantage of the services of a flying vehicle everyone. The flight will be much cheaper than, for example, a taxi ride. For example, a 55-minute trip to New York will cost $ 55. And for the owner of an electric aircraft, this is only $ 6.

All this sounds, of course, a little fantastic. An electric vehicle with wings that can fly 300 kilometers “in one breath” and even within the city? Perhaps this can be, only most people will believe after seeing the videos with the recording of a test flight or will be able to ride in such a vehicle themselves.

Although ... The company has already conducted test flights. Here is a video with test results.

So, the future has already come?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/403351/

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