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On knees. How to choose a knee brace

The season of active sports begins, and we want to remind you why we need knee bandages.

For the new season we have opened a new section on the site. And, although part of the range is not "purely sporty", it is worth paying attention to. Today we decided to briefly talk about what means of prevention and rehabilitation we offer for the knee joint.

Obvious about the knee joint
The knee joint is one of the most stressed in the life of an ordinary person and an athlete, since they have a significant amount of movement, which in itself leads to wear and tear. During training, the intensity of movement increases many times over, and the ligamentous apparatus does not always cope and may limit hypermobility.

This leads to injuries and damage to the knee joint and - depending on the degree - of long or short rehabilitation.

Two directions for calipers

In this regard, it is customary to single out two models for the use of knee pads: prevention and rehabilitation, including in the postoperative period.

If with prevention everything turns out to be relatively simple and understandable, then, in the rehabilitation direction, everything is not so obvious. We give only a few cases where doctors find the use of calipers expedient.

and a number of other violations.

Moreover, in almost every case, the choice takes place according to a very individual scenario.

Give an example

For example, in case of osteoarthritis of the knee joint, it is advised to take into account such factors as pain localization, degree of joint disturbance, and pain.

Given this, you will have to choose from about 5-6 possible options for knee pads, both open and closed.

Closed type

Usually elastic, as his task is soft fixation on all sides in order to facilitate walking. Most often recommended for people with uncertain localization of pain.

Soft open knee brace

It is recommended to facilitate bending of the knees, including when climbing the stairs.

Open adjustable

It is advisable to use it after minor surgical interventions, since after the edema has subsided, such a bandage will be easy to adjust (pull) along the leg. Also indicated in the initial stages of arthrosis with mild pain.


Designed for long wear after serious injuries and surgeries. By and large, it is an analogue of gypsum, which allows you to move without losing muscle tone. Also indicated for severe pain at any stage of the disease.

Also in some types of bandages, heat transfer media for heating can be integrated.

It is also necessary to distinguish several methods of fixation:


The wide applicability of this kind of devices is usually very generalized in the network, they say, and that’s it. It is not always so. There are a number of poorly proven and ambiguous experiments on individual cases where the expediency of using bandages is questioned.

As it was before

The text has already sounded a comparison that a stiff knee pad is an analogue of gypsum. It is almost like that. Before the calipers and bandages "came" to the market, they used plaster bandages and splints as fixers.

Their main disadvantage was that they practically made it impossible to move on their own, which during long-term rehabilitation led to muscle atrophy. The current "generation" of rehabilitation materials still leaves more freedom to man.

And the bandages ! Bandages in some cases also alleviate pain in the knee and can serve as a means of rehabilitation.

Orthez, splint, bandage - what to look for

The fixing knee pads have a lot of “names”, and although in the nuances they will differ in the network, they will most likely act as synonyms, therefore, one way or another, when you query “splint”, “orthosis”, “support”, you will get the same sites with the same range.

In this regard, it is necessary to pay attention to the characteristics.

First, understand what you need: prevention or treatment. Prophylactic calipers can be shown with intense loads, systematic pursuit of active sports. Also, the indications for preventive, or "supporting" calipers include obesity. Increases the load on the knee joint and pregnancy.


They reduce the amplitude of movements and are used with existing damage to the joints, when lifestyle and stress can significantly aggravate the disease. Such a support is like “additional bundles”. At the same time, if you choose a compression latch, then this helps to reduce pain when walking.


Hard clamp for use after serious injuries and operations when you need to immobilize the knee joint. Recommended as an analogue of gypsum, and, as stated, rehabilitation is accelerated.

For unloading the articulation

Such a bandage will keep the knee joint in the correct position. This will minimize pain and reduce the risk of microtraumas, for example, in acute arthritis.

Sports prevention

Let's go back for a while to the sports season. Basically, for the prevention of sports injuries are encouraged to use "simple" one-piece calipers.

They are made of fabrics or synthetic materials, may have an open part for the knee joint, and are intended for soft "basic" support. They save from hypothermia, reduce the risk of minor injuries and sprains. You can also train in them with minor bruises. These include, for example, such samples: McDavid 6440 and McDavid 6446 .

McDavid and LP

The most popular and well-known manufacturers in this niche are the brands LP and McDavid . The latter is more in the West , the first in Russia.

The assortment of LP, as in the assortment of McDavid, presents a wide choice of supporting bandages for local use: the shin, wrist, and knee. McDavid - more expensive.

Let us show a little closer what the two most similar models of bandages look like: LP 720 and McDavid 422 .

Both models are one of the most sought-after in the pathologies of the knee joint.

They are reinforced with side plates that allow you to limit the movement by asking them a specific algorithm.

Both models are made of neoprene, which increases the service life of such a device.

They are characterized by a moderate degree of protection with partial restriction of mobility; they can be used in degenerative lesions of the knee joints to reduce pain or after complete immobilization of the patient. This is perhaps the most "medical" in our directory.


Starting from the most simple, supporting ones, one can say that the knee supports are universal, or, in other words, will suit everyone. The simplest can be called " compression " bandages. Their main general purpose is injury prevention, they enhance the physiological position and stabilize the knee. This is the most "sporting" calipers, they are very popular with those who are running.

Functional knee pads are designed to preserve and maintain the function of the damaged joint. They are not universal in terms of use, as they partially restrict movement and are used in medicine as a means of rehabilitation after joint damage, in case of arthritis, arthrosis, and to reduce pain.

Calibration stabilizers help when hard fixation is needed. This is an alternative to plaster and tires. Often used when transporting a patient.

Complicated, or combined - a separate class of devices-transformers that are designed for patients who undergo a long-term rehabilitation. In the process can perform several functions, replacing a number of devices.

For wrist
Also note: sports and rehabilitation wrist bandages .

Take care of yourself,
Have a great sports season!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/403311/

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