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How is the work in the service center "NAG"


A couple of weeks ago in our blog the publication about the service center of the “NAG” company flashed. However, after reading the resulting material again, the guys from the service center decided that the text turned out to be somewhat compressed and not fully revealing the workflow. Therefore, today, what is called, take two. Let us write more in detail and accessible.

Service center "NAG" specializes in service, warranty and post-warranty repair of the widest range of telecommunication equipment.

So, in order for the equipment to fall into the hands of our engineers, it needs to go through the design in the database. There, each device is assigned an identification number, which is subsequently labeled iron. In the future, thanks to this number, the client will be able to track the status of the application.

The operator of the service center is responsible for the processing and the corresponding design. His responsibilities include the execution of documentation for the equipment, an inventory of the set of equipment, a photo or video recording of the condition and the subsequent organization of the storage of equipment before being sent for repair.

Iron expects its fate in the warehouse for a short time and gets into the engineering zone. First of all, the specialist of the center will carry out all the necessary complex of diagnostic works, during which the malfunction is determined, and the possibility of its elimination is evaluated and the spare parts necessary for repair are determined.

Jobs in our service center are equipped with everything necessary for productive work. Antistatic protection and grounding installed. At hand, experts always have soldering stations of various types and characteristics. From the harmful vapors formed when soldering chips, saves a special hood. For testing equipment in the service center installed special racks. Here, user equipment, routers, switches, servers, UPS, and more are being tested.







Before the start of repair work on the iron, the engineers of the testing department conjure. Their duties include a complete check of the devices for the presence of a stated malfunction, as well as a number of preventive measures. For example, software update.

The further path of the equipment depends on the nature of the breakdown. If it has a malfunction in the software, then the device is restored here, without giving in to hardware repair. If a hardware malfunction is detected, then the engineers of the repair section take up the trouble.





At the repair site, first carry out hardware diagnostics. This phase of work is time consuming, but it allows you to find the fault and determine what caused the component to be out of order. Determining the cause of the failure allows you to avoid its repetition in the future.

Our center employs highly qualified engineers with repair skills of any complexity: from simple replacement of SMD components to soldering huge chips in BGA and CCGA packages.

Often there is a situation when this or that detail is simply impossible to purchase or it is unprofitable from the financial side. To solve this problem in stock there is a small stock of “donors” - equipment that cannot be repaired, but which can be used.





Special directions in the service center are repair and maintenance of FOL welding machines. Here, the specifics of the work are somewhat different from the bulk of applications received by the service.



All welding machines have a limited operating life and must be regularly serviced. Therefore, welding machines often come to us either in a state of complete disrepair, or when the quality of welding deteriorates significantly.

First of all, before repairing welding machines, diagnostic work is also carried out. The units and systems of the device are tested. After the diagnosis, the list of repair works is agreed with the client.

Maintenance typically includes:


After repair, all the equipment is still a few days a final diagnosis. For this service center equipment special stands. For example, DVRs are tested with a variety of video cameras. In special racks real conditions of operation of server and network equipment are recreated.


Upon completion of all repair and diagnostic work, an act is drawn up, where all the results of diagnostics, measurements and what was done during the repair activities are indicated. On all services of the service center the guarantee is given.

During the work of our service, there is a tendency of growth in demand for repair and maintenance of equipment. Since 2013, the service center has received 13,804 appeals, of which 13,605 have already been resolved. Daily on the shoulders of our engineers falls an average of 12 applications. The service center performs repair and diagnostics of equipment under warranty, and provides paid services. It is noteworthy that in recent years the number of applications for paid repairs has exceeded the number of applications for warranty service.

You can contact the service center at (343) 379-98-38 ext.207 or by writing to the email address service@nag.ru. Also, recently, active work is underway to introduce on-line downloads and the Help Desk system. The status of the application can be monitored through a special form on the website. The entire list of equipment, the repair of which is engaged in our service center can be found on the store's website.

The team of the NAG service center is always happy to help you!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/403263/

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