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Great post about projectors: technology, appointment, choice, development prospects

Multimedia projector has long become a familiar gadget for offices, presentations, meeting rooms, museums, educational institutions. Increasingly, projectors are used at home. These devices survive in a fairly complex competitive climate (plasma, LCD and laser panels - competitors of projectors), while having only one huge advantage - the large diagonal of the projected image.

The abundance of technologies used for the production of projectors gives rise to the problem of choice. As Pult.ru specialists note, buyers who intend to buy a projector rarely have what they want, which is not rarely leads to mistakes in choosing. This post is about the main criteria for the selection of projectors and the prospects for the development of modern technologies that are used in their production.


While the most common light sources in the projectors are high-pressure discharge lamps. And these lamps are recognized as the Achilles' heel of most modern projectors, since most of them require replacement after 1000 - 4000 (in rare cases, 8000) hours of operation.
This impressive cost of consumables has to be changed every 3-4 years, and with intensive use more often. Engineers from leading world manufacturers tried to solve the problem of a not too resource-intensive light source.


The most commonly used projection lamps are UHP (Ultra High Performance). The principle is simple - a discharge in the lamp that occurs between tungsten electrodes in mercury vapor, which are under high pressure. The main advantages of these lamps are the relative high intensity of light radiation with a fairly compact source size, as well as good color rendering.

The disadvantages of UHP lamps are a gradual decrease in the intensity of radiation throughout the entire period of operation and a relatively short lifetime (2000 hours). Partly, the first deficiency was compensated by the addition of special reagents that contribute to the restoration of tungsten on the electrodes. Partially extends the life of the lamp using glass from high-purity quartz, which allows you to maintain a balance of thermal energy produced by the lamp.


HCX projection lamps or metal halide lamps, like others, emit light due to the discharge of an electric arc plasma produced in high-pressure gas. They are distinguished from UHD by the addition of certain metals to the mercury vapor of the halides, which makes it possible to make the spectral characteristic of the light emission more uniform.

The problem with these lamps is a gradual, but at the same time, permanent loss of brightness, up to 50% during the operation of the source. The operating time of these lamps is comparable with other gas-discharge analogues.


P-VIP is another variation on “Mercury discharge lamps for a projector”. This type can be considered the pinnacle of the evolution of mercury projector lamps. The service life of these lamps can reach 6000 - 8000 hours, the radiation intensity and spectrum uniformity is comparable to HCX, while the P-VIP does not have the disease "age-related decrease in brightness", the lamp shines equally coolly throughout the entire service life. Despite the success in extending the full life of this type of lamps, their problems have not been solved at the root.


Another type of discharge lamps for projectors is Xenon. As the name suggests, instead of mercury vapor in the lamp is compressed xenon. Xenon lamps are many times superior to mercury in power, pressure and, as a result, in light intensity.

The power of xenon lamps is in the range from 2 to 15 kW, and the gas pressure in the lamp reaches 300 atmospheres, which predetermined their use in professional cinema projectors and extremely rarely in extremely expensive demonstration and home models. As the saying goes, “All the best to children’s cinemas.”

Comparison of the spectra of "xenon" and "mercury"
Axis X - wave length in nm
Y axis - recoil
blue graph - "xenon", red - "mercury"

Fortunately, the use of high-pressure discharge lamps gradually dies away, giving way to more advanced light sources. Their use allows for relatively high levels of brightness and contrast, but, as I have already noted, they are expensive and require replacement from time to time.

Not lamps - led vs laser

An alternative to gas discharge lamps, which appeared at the beginning of the last century, were LEDs and lasers. Each of these sources has the advantage of long-term work. In fact, both LEDs and lasers are able to provide at least 20,000 hours of work, and in some cases work longer. In addition, LED and laser projectors can reduce the minimum distance to the screen. The great advantages of laser projectors over the other types are high image quality and the complete absence of “fastidiousness” to the surface on which the image is projected. Sadly, both alternatives have characteristic drawbacks.

Disadvantages of LED

Despite the impressive progress over the past 8 years, most LED projectors with an equal cost are inferior to tube ones in luminous intensity. For most models, the luminous flux of the source does not exceed 1000 -1200 ANSILm, and in most cases is within 1000. Another problem with Led-projectors is the noise level during operation, which often exceeds 35 dB. However, these shortcomings are gradually eliminated, it is worth remembering that at the time of the release of the first mass-produced serial led-projectors (2008 - 2009), the record brightness of the latter was 350-400 ANSILm.

Disadvantages of laser projectors

The main disadvantage of laser projectors is the price. Despite the serial production of laser projectors for the last 10 years, the price has not decreased to the figures imputed to the average person. Also tangible disadvantages of laser devices include source flicker and unnatural saturation of some colors. In some models, there are quite sharp transitions in the color palette, which can be annoying during long-term viewing. It is also worth noting that some of the difficulties in color rendering can be easily eliminated by additional configuration.

Hybrid schemes

Increasingly, hybrid models are emerging on the market, which use both laser and LEDs as sources of luminous flux. The use of this approach makes it possible to compensate for the shortcomings of one source by another. Most of the reviews and comparative tests of such systems are at the level of lamp projectors, while maintaining the main advantage of alternative sources - an enormous operational resource. Lack of one - indecently high cost.

The advantages and disadvantages of the basic principles of work

Before making specific recommendations on the choice of projectors, it is necessary to tell a little about the types of these devices. The following types of projectors are most widely represented on the market today:

It makes no sense to describe each of the principles in detail, as there is more than enough encyclopedic material in the network. I believe that it is better to dwell on the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. To get into a rather prolonged dispute with biased lovers to say nothing about what is actually steeper than 3DLP (DLP), LCD (3LCD), LCOS or 3LED will not. In connection with the different tasks that are put before projectors, the advantages of one technology or another determine the choice, and in the premium segment, the disadvantages of technology are leveled a little less than completely. I can only note that several chips are better than one, as they allow to increase the image quality for a number of parameters.

DLP and 3DLP are the champions in contrast

DLP advantages:

Disadvantages of DLP:

In fact, all the shortcomings, except for the high cost, single-matrix DLP do not apply to projectors with three chips, the so-called. 3 DLP, which at the same time maintain high contrast, as one of the main advantages.

3LCD - color brightness leaders

Advantages of 3LCD:

Disadvantages of 3LCD:

In the older lines solved the problem of low contrast (technology C2Fine)

LCOS - expensive "golden mean"

The merits of LCOS

Disadvantages of LCOS:

3LED - winners of marathon distances

Advantages of 3 led:

Disadvantages 3 LED

Main characteristics

When choosing a projector it is worth considering a number of characteristics on which the result will depend.


If necessary, calculate the luminous flux of the projector for an audience or a room where the lighting complies with current sanitary and hygienic standards (the room where you can read and work, you can multiply 756 by the square of the screen in square meters.
Below is a table calculating the brightness required by the projector, depending on the screen area when the light is sufficient to read.


Below are the standards and permissions according to the format.

1. Aspect ratio 4: 3:

2. Image format 16: 9, 16:10, 15: 9 or others:

Uniform lighting

Rarely indicated parameter that demonstrates the ratio of the minimum peripheral illumination of the screen to the maximum in the center. In the projector for watching movies and games and in professional devices, the value of uniformity must exceed 70%.

And a little more about the contrast

Contrast has the maximum effect on image quality in darkened rooms. In many respects, therefore, high-contrast models of projectors are used as an element of systems for home theaters. If you need to get a distinguishable image in the lighted interiors, you should rely on the brightness.

Dry residue - what and to whom

As I have already noted, people who buy projectors rarely imagine which one they need, which not so decent sellers sometimes use.

I will start with educational institutions where the projector allows you to show presentations and educational films. Requirements for quality are minimal, while, as a rule, there are requirements for the price and in some cases for brightness. For rooms where dimming is possible, single-chip DLP, 3 LED or 3 LCD projectors and with a brightness of 700 - 1000 ANSIlm are suitable; in rooms where there is a problem with dimming, a more powerful luminous flux, respectively, from 1000 ANSIlm and higher is needed. As a rule, in the ratio of brightness / price win 3 LCD projectors. At the same time for rooms with the possibility of darkening DLP are considered preferable.

The choice of a business projector for presentations will also be related to the working conditions and tasks, with the only difference that, as a rule, a higher resolution (HD) is required for business, and the cost will increase accordingly.

For professional presentations and long-term work, laser and hybrid 3 DLP, 3 LCD and LCOS projectors can be used, which provide long-term operation and high-quality images, usually with FullHD and WUXGA, 4 K HD resolution. The values ​​of the luminous flux in such projectors, designed to work in illuminated rooms, as well as during the day outside can reach 20,000 ANSIlm.

Despite the tough competition from LCD TVs and plasma panels, projectors are no longer exotic at home. For home theater and gaming systems, most experts recommend DLP and 3DLP projectors, since the latter distort the picture less and work much more efficiently in 3D mode.

The most attractive and promising light sources in projectors are lasers and LEDs, which, all other things being equal, give odds to the rest of the operational resource. Experts say that the future is behind them and this future is near. According to the calculations of a number of manufacturers, gas-discharge lamps will be abandoned in the next 10 years.

The material is built on the comments of experts pult.ru, used graphic materials sites: myprojector.ru, projector-lamps.ru, viking.ru, giga-line.ru, stereo.ru

PS The cost of projectors, depending on the destination, varies widely, our catalog contains projectors from 19,790 to 10,452,850. If we talk about training, office, the average cost of the latter (depending on the characteristics and the technology used) varies from 19,790 to 300 000. In the case of equipment for home theaters and games, if not to affect professional and HI END lines, the average cost of such a projector will be about 90 000 - 150 000 (again, depending on the characteristics and technology used ogii). The presented information on prices is rather arbitrary, the price largely depends on the manufacturer, functions, design and capabilities of the device.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/403175/

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