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First Time: A Short Review of the Movie

Personally, I was intrigued by the movie "Time of the First." Rarely in Russia they make films about space, and even based on real events. In cinemas we see Hollywood sci-fi blockbusters, such as Gravity , The Martian and Interstellar, much more often. And this is despite the legacy that remained after the Soviet era: the films of Pavel Klushantsev , the wonderful children's films " Moscow - Cassiopeia ", "The Great Space Journey ", the masterpiece of Andrey Tarkovsky " Solaris ". And the satirical comedy " Kin-Dza-Dza ", although less scientific, and more fantastic, is also worth mentioning. It all started at the beginning of the 20th century - while advising Tsiolkovsky in 1935, the Space Flight was taken off in the USSR.

The creators of the Time of the First decided to take a story that has been on the surface for fifty years. Among other records with the prefix "first" we have the first man’s spacewalk, which was associated with a number of difficulties - from the accelerated start-up preparation time (otherwise the Americans would have overtaken) to the spacesuit inflated in the process, which Leonov physically could not get into the ship, and the failure of the automation "Voskhod-2". Several emergency situations in one flight, some of which could be fatal - in my opinion, this is a worthy attempt to film an important milestone in the exploration of outer space.


main characters

The main characters of the historic flight were Alexey Leonov and Pavel Belyaev. Konstantin Khabensky was appointed to the role of Belyaev without tests, and project producer Yevgeny Mironov played Leonov. If we take only the appearance of the actors, they are similar.
If we talk about behavior, about speech, then Mironov is not just similar, but very similar to Leonov . Either the actor has the same manner of communication, or he tried very hard to get used to the role. While I was writing an article about the events in this film, I reviewed many astronaut interviews. And here I believe that before me is the same person.

Khabensky plays Pavel Belyaev, the most "old" pilot from the First Detachment. At the time of enrollment, he was 34 years old, at the time of the flight - almost 40 years old. He plays interesting, but how real it is - we will not know. The astronaut died in 1970 from peritonitis. It seems strange that a person who has been in space and landed on manual control in the taiga dies from a similar disease.


Anatoly Kotenev played General Nikolai Kamanin, involved in the selection of astronauts and their preparation. Kamanin proposed to appoint Yuri Gagarin as the first candidate for a space flight, Herman Titov as a backup, and he was an active supporter of sending Valentina Tereshkova into orbit.


Alexander Novin played Evgeny Khrunov, understudy Leonov. The role in the film is not very big, but necessary for the development of the plot.

Families of astronauts may seem "cardboard." But too sentimental young fathers shed a mean male tear in moments with his daughter Leonova.


The main hero was Sergei Pavlovich Korolev. The founder of practical cosmonautics was responsible for this flight. His role was played by Vladimir Ilyin, the actor of the old school takes away a lot of attention.

In one of the episodes of the film, after meeting Korolev with Brezhnev, Sergei Pavlovich suffered a heart attack. On the advice of a doctor to rest, he said that he was not tired. Further, this storyline does not continue, but we know that less than a year after the launch, Sergei Pavlovich died during an operation to remove a tumor - the heart could not stand it.

“The Time of the First” can be compared with the “ Taming of the Fire ” of 1972, in which Sergey Pavlovich Korolev became the prototype of the main character. So vividly represented this legendary person. Even at that time, the film was criticized for excessive pathos and idealization of the characters. In this case, there is no idealization of Korolev, a living person is shown, busy with his work.



After the frankly feigned “Gagarin” of 2013, which consisted mainly of pretentious phrases, the characters of “Time of the First” seem more alive. The atmosphere of the USSR is transmitted in such a way that causes good nostalgia for those times. Please refrain from commenting on the theme “everything was bad,” everyone already knows that Korolev was in prison and worked in gold mines. It is still talking about wonderful people who at that time were doing unthinkable things.


The film starts from the moment when, due to the mechanic's mistake, Alexey Leonov has to show the wonders of landing on an emergency plane. All this sees General Kamanin - the one who worked with the selection of fighter pilots in the First Astronaut Detachment. “He is crazy!” - “Give it to me, we just need crazy people.” I noted this episode, because it is in the trailer, but is shown differently - the viewer has the impression that the pilot just created an outrage. In the film, he saved his life.


Next, we show Sergei Pavlovich Korolev. Vigorous and at the same time tired and angry, he passes through the hangar to the shield, which shows the plan for the first man to go into outer space. He crosses out the year 1967, 1966, and leads around 1965. The deadlines have shifted because the top management requires it. The space race is in full swing, and the Americans are stepping on their heels.

"Get 2 heroic corpses instead of two living heroes?" - says Korolev about the new formulation of the problem.

The relations of Belyaev and Leonov, their craving for flying, are shown through the moments of a parachute jump, after which the senior cosmonaut breaks his leg. This case in preparation occurred in 1961. So Paul was suspended for a year from preparation, but later returned to the line. In the trailer, we saw him training with a rod in the rain.

Leonov refused to fly with another astronaut. After the film, the question arises: why? Where did this friendship come from? While watching this, you do not think about it, but just see your friends.

Most of the movie is actually the flight. Here the script began to move away from reality. Earlier, I wrote that this is already a finished plot, it can be taken without changes and screened with minimal changes. But before us is not a documentary, but a feature film, so avoid innovations, forcing the atmosphere or revealing characters, will not work.


Script writers went to all grievous and began to change the events and their sequence. If you have not read Wikipedia before watching the movie, then you do not pay attention to it. When Leonov goes into outer space, the astronaut loses consciousness and is silent instead of calming the Earth. The hero is not taken to the valve before entering the gateway, but already in the gateway to turn around. Belyaev covers his colleague, saying that the silence was due to communication problems.

Then - automatic failure, manual guidance, landing in the Perm taiga in the snow, a fire and waiting for salvation.


In the end, we are shown a chronicle mixed with the film itself. The moment is very bright, it adds to the "earthiness" of this story, returns us to the fact that this is not just an invention of the writers.


Film search tells us that CGF studio has developed the ViewGA system for augmented reality. With its help, the director and cameraman saw on the screen the movements of an actor in the conditions of virtual space. This picture looks good.

Frame from the film


For filming inside the ship, a full-size model of the Voskhod with a cable system was used. But the most interesting thing is the weightlessness inside the ship on the example of a pencil and logbook. How realistic this is, as it seems to me, astronauts will be able to say. For the ordinary viewer, some inconsistencies will not be noticeable.

Shot from the shooting


When they showed the moments from training in an aircraft in zero gravity, it seemed to me that the actors really were sent to ride the IL-76. It turned out everything was filmed in the studio.



Immediately after leaving the hall, I began to fill in the gaps in my own knowledge, which I received during the preparation of the last article - I made sure that Belyaev did break his leg. If at least some of those who watched the movie look for information about Voskhod-2, then it was filmed for good reason.

The film looks at one go. There are a few lingering moments in it, but they do not spoil the overall impression. The main advantage of this film is the production project of Yevgeny Mironov. This is not a way to make money, this is not the five parts of “Yolok”. This is a screen version of an interesting and important story for him. And this is not about the patriotic patriotism of Russia, but about pride in all of humanity and the contribution that specific people made to space exploration.

As a result, we have a film in which all the people involved in the project have invested their soul. But this is a subjective opinion. I urge you to go to the cinema and make your own, and then write about it in the comments. And talk about all the advantages and disadvantages.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/402997/

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