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Useful information from the meeting with Khokon in Petersburg

Yesterday there was a meeting with Haakon Lee, the father of CSS, the technical director of Opera Software, and YesLogic Pty Ltd ( princexml ). A lot of information was said, which I probably, like many of you know, so I will try to highlight something really useful.

Why Dragonfly is better than Firebug

Remote debugging. You can debug a web page on a remote device. This thing does not seem to be advertised yet, but Haakon shared it with us, answering tapazukk's question. As I understand it, while I understood (no documentation), the connection to the device happens the other way around. That is, not Dragonfly connects to the phone, and the phone connects to Dragonfly. I suggested this because of the fact that mobile devices go through a couple of proxies:
  1. your mobile operator
  2. Opera mini server
and there is no way to reach him. Everything seems to be done like this:
  1. Dragonfly, wait for the connection customize dragonfly
  2. The remote device remains connected to the desktop machine for which you are working. Just set the IP address on the " opera: debug " page (the autotype will put a space - it should be removed) and connect how to connect to Dragonfly. Win option
ps As in Firebug, using the up and down arrows, you can select CSS properties, increase and decrease their values.

@ face-font in Opera

Haakon hopes that the implementation in stable builds will be until the new year. In addition, it turns out that the March 28 gogi test build ( public Acid3 build ) supports @ font-face. It would be strange if it didn’t support, because Acid3 has a check for web font support. Opera seems to support TrueType and will not support formats with DRM.

Why Opera is not on iPhon

Haakon said that Apple is pretty tightly controlling its platform. Now “negotiators” decide matters. And can they petition, petition ? Note: Apple Wanted Opera. True or False?

Populating ogg with p2p and Opera

I fulfilled my mission: I briefly voiced the idea of how to popularize the ogg format and make the Opera SDK for devices even more attractive. A way to compete with video-on-demand from Apple and Microsoft on devices without the hassle and DRM p2p users support html5

JS frameworks

I answer the question from the audience): This is certainly not a prototype, but the Opera has javascript libraries http://dev.opera.com/libraries/

Next meeting

Ilya shpankov said that the next meeting will be in November, as part of a university tour. It looks like it will be Polytech, a public meeting, but it all depends on how the university has a pass system

Easter egg

Handshake Haakon shared his wisdom with my blaberus colleague


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/40287/

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