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Two flights of one stage Falcon 9 in one video

An interesting visual comparison has already been made on YouTube, having combined both flights of the first stage of the Falcon 9 in one frame, which last week made a second flight.

Curious to see the differences in the video:

First, the difference in the trajectories is visible - the launch from the Dragon CRS-8 was made on the ISS, and from SES-10 on the geo-transfer orbit. In the latter case, due to launching into an intermediate orbit with an 18-minute pause between the first and second turn-ons of the second stage, the trajectory turns out to be flatter, therefore in launching from SES-10 the speed grows faster and the height is slower.
Secondly, the shutdown of the first-stage engines in the case of the SES-10 occurred about four seconds later. Most likely, this is due to the fact that the over-caliber fairing is experiencing increased aerodynamic loads, and in the area of ​​maximum velocity head (Max-Q), the thrust of the first-stage engines decreases more strongly or for a longer time. UPD : in the comments in the LiveJournal found an analysis with Reddit , and on it, on the contrary, the missions with the Dragon, including the CRS-8, reduce cravings for a longer time, and according to the scheme it turns out that the level with SES-10 just accelerated longer , and in tanks on start-up CRS-8 there is more fuel left.

Thirdly, it would be logical to expect an earlier landing, but here, in the case of the SES-10, the level of the village is about ten seconds later than that of the CRS-8. Everything rests on specific braking algorithms, and, without an exact knowledge of the flight parameters, it is difficult to say why this happened.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/402865/

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