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Laptops in the service of the police

Many people know Dell, and the merger with EMC has made it even more famous, but some of Dell’s business lines are not so familiar to a wide audience. For example, not every IT professional knows that Dell is releasing rugged laptop laptops, transformers, and tablets such as the Latitude 12 and 14 Rugged Extreme, the Latitude 14 Rugged, and the Latitude 12 Rugged Tablet.

Dell Latitude Rugged laptops are used in various industries to solve various problems.

For what and where are such devices used? Yes, in a variety of industries. For example, Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) officers were able to respond to situations more quickly and receive more accurate and detailed information in time. And this is exactly what Dell secure laptops help them with.

LAPD officers have been using Dell laptops in patrol cars for years to maintain constant communication with government data centers for querying databases, getting up-to-date information and answering questions.
Automotive IT system increases the efficiency of police officers. Thanks to the Dell-based secure laptop solution, police have more information about the situation and can respond to it more quickly.
“When compared with competitors, Dell delivers us excellent products at great prices and with great service. And Latitude is an amazing ruler. This is truly an unrivaled solution, ”emphasizes Sanjoi Datta, senior systems analyst at LAPD.

Its advantages are increased public safety due to a rapid response, it helps to make the work of police officers more secure, it has high reliability, characteristic of responsible systems, despite the harsh operating conditions. In addition, it is a flexible platform for the implementation of innovative tools.

The population of cities is growing, and police departments are striving to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of patrol officers by equipping them with various IT tools that allow them to use innovative applications and services to speed up their response to urgent calls and to get a more accurate picture of what is happening. Otherwise, it would require a significant increase in the number of employees.

For years now, LAPD patrols have used Dell laptops in their cars to maintain constant communication with government centers, to send queries to the federal database, to receive updates and to answer questions. In order to provide police officers with more accurate data about the situation, suspects and events, IT staff continues to deploy new automated applications and self-service tools.

Dell Latitude protected laptops installed in patrol cars can operate 24x7 in fairly harsh environments.

Daniel González, a Los Angeles Police Department officer, says: “Our 10,000 employees provide patrols and other services for 10 million people, counting residents, company employees, customers, and other visitors. Therefore, we are looking for “empowered forces” - software and other technologies, the work with which makes up most of the time of officers. ”

A smaller car - less room for laptops

Organizing reliable access to IT systems in a police car may not be an easy task. The temperature in the cabin sometimes reaches 50 degrees. Dust, dirt, vibrations at high speeds and rough roads can also damage equipment. And, although the laptops used by the department had high availability at the level of responsible systems, after replacing the fleet in the Los Angeles police, more compact patrol cars were used, and the old laptops turned out to be unsafe — they prevented correct deployment of the airbag.

Thus, the Los Angeles Police Department needed a new solution - a more compact, but at the same time meeting all the requirements of the department. After extensive and thorough testing, LAPD chose a customized solution from Dell, including more than 2100 Dell Latitude Rugged laptops with Intel Core processors. “Three attributes compelled us to pay attention to this decision: reliability, price and support,” says Sanjoy Datta.

This turnkey solution was created by Dell in conjunction with the Los Angeles Police Department. It includes a protected Dell laptop and a dedicated docking station for it installed in each police car.

New solution

To ensure the safety of officers in a more compact passenger compartment, LAPD specialists together with Dell decided to place the laptop on a special shelf. In the center of the auto dashboard installed a touch screen and keyboard connected to a laptop.
“Dell was a key partner in the design of the solution, which ultimately greatly increased the efficiency of police officers,” said Los Angeles Police Department officer Jim Stover. - It is very important that laptops are always at hand, especially in a potentially life-threatening situation. Dell Rugged laptops always work as they should. ”

According to the police, they chose Dell products for three reasons: quality, price and service. Such a solution must be reliable so that it does not let down in a life-threatening situation.

In order to provide a safe working environment for officers and protect IT equipment in all possible situations and environments, the Los Angeles Police Department asked Dell to develop a solution that can keep a laptop in a secured state, but is designed so that employees can quickly and easily remove a computer for service.

To achieve this goal, Dell worked with LAPD and with its partner, Havis. Thus, a docking station was created for the police fleet. “We were delighted to work with the Dell secure laptop team to design a special docking station for police cars,” explains Daniel Gonzalez. - This is a very simple solution that allows employees to unlock a laptop by turning the key. You can extract it in just 10 seconds. ”

Work does not wait

Continuous availability of a laptop is a key requirement of the Los Angeles Police Department, and Dell Latitude Rugged laptops are ready to work around the clock and seven days a week. Jim Stover stresses: “It is important that laptops are always at hand, especially when it comes to life threatening. Dell Latitude Rugged laptops are always in working condition, always functioning as expected. I even saw that they calmly withstand, if you accidentally push them with the barrel of a pistol, while other computers simply push the screen. ”

If the officer still has problems with a laptop, he simply installs a new device. “We are looking at what the problem is, and if we can’t solve it, then we’ll contact Dell service. They will take care of everything quickly, without clinging to whether a given case is covered by a contract. Dell Service is a key vendor difference. ”

Like most organizations, LAPD is constantly introducing new applications that help staff work more efficiently. Dell Latitude Rugged laptops are also used by the police department as a flexible platform to support new applications. For example, LAPD recently deployed a license plate recognition solution. It can handle 5 thousand numbers per hour. Another application is used to read and analyze fingerprints in “field conditions”. In addition, having laptops, officers can request information in the database themselves - no need to contact the operator. Everything happens much faster.

“It's great when you can request data from state and federal databases using our Dell laptops,” says Stover. “We get answers much faster than on the radio, which is important when an officer is dealing with a potentially dangerous suspect.”

Commenting on the role of IT in public safety, Datta explains: “We live in an era when society has high expectations regarding our use of technology. Dell's range of reliable, secure laptops allows us to expand our technological capabilities and get more information. ” “We have very close relationships with Dell, and the company's solutions enable us to obtain such important qualities as reliability and architecture ready for future applications, and this is exactly what we need to provide services to citizens,” emphasize the Los Angeles Police Department .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/402859/

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