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Tesla Amazing - geek-stickers from authors from Russia, which can be glued anywhere

“Magnets” from the Tesla Amazing company at one time surprised Kickstarter users, attracted an amount ten times higher than necessary, and the creators — Russian businessmen — concluded a number of successful contracts.

And the product: reusable stickers, which, due to static electricity, can be glued to any surface.

Surprise sticker? - We are able, we practice. It would seem that the stationery accessory, which has long been an integral part of office life, was decided to re-invent. The cousins entrepreneurs from Perm, Dmitriy Samoylovskikh and Aleksei Bragin, took over the project, who adapted the Finnish technology and brought it to a retail buyer.
Kickstarter was chosen as the launching pad, where during the project, with a request of $ 12,000, it was possible to raise about $ 300,000. Since then in Russia, they, stickers, have appeared several times, including in our country (There is an A4 option left).

What it is

Tesla Amazing are reusable stickers of various sizes that stick to any surface without glue.

Among the materials: plastic, glass, wood, wallpaper, textiles - anything, depending on the circumstances, necessity and fantasy. Under the "reusability" in the first place it should be understood the ability to unstick and fix again. This opportunity can be useful, for example, in a working environment, when the same fixed idea needs to be duplicated several meetings in a row.

“Magnets” fixed in one place can stay for quite a long time: we hung them, until we were tired, for several months. You can move them across the surface from place to place by dragging: the lack of an adhesive layer allows them to slide easily.

Also, the absence of any glue allows "Magnets" not to leave any marks on the attachment site.

What to write

Tesla stickers are not paper. Firstly, it makes them extremely reliable. Even with the effort, breaking them is almost impossible. True, traces remain from the tension and the stickers lose some of the “sticky” qualities.

Secondly, this paper can endure. And on the stickers, as practice shows, it is best to write with a pencil, ballpoint pen or marker.

The surface of Tesla Amazing is glossy, and there is some risk of “smearing” the writing. If you try very hard and press the notes deeply with your finger, then you can, of course, achieve this effect:

Get accustomed to the top of the letter "S".

The marker grabs in seconds. An example of two lines: one had time to hold a finger instantly, the other - after five seconds.

The rest - no problem. Writing on such a smooth sliding surface is quite pleasant, I must admit, and it even seems that the speed of writing increases. This is also noted by foreign authors of reviews ( one , two ). In general, the experience after such stickers is positive.

but on the other hand

The second part of the reusability is also associated with the marker: the stickers are two-sided, and on the reverse side the marker is easily erased with a finger, after which you can make new notes. This can significantly extend the life of a single sheet!

Fastened with the front part of the sticker is not worse.

Size doesn't matter

The main delight of all the products came, of course, on small stickers. However, the assortment of the company there are any sizes, up to poster.

However, it does not matter much. For example, from the “A4” sheet, you can safely cut into yourself “reminders” of different sizes and hang the whole wall with them: the properties of “Magnets” will not disappear anywhere.

The gadget works due to static electricity using the patented Finnish technology, the developers of which entered the project as co-investors. It is also worth noting that this project has nothing to do with the Mask company.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/402821/

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