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Web 2.0 Expo - New York

Some impressions about the exhibition Web 2.0 Expo , which is taking place now in New York (September 16-19).

We ( WebAsyst ) take part in the exhibition - we have our own stand. We are the only Russian company here, all the rest are from the USA and Canada.
The exhibition presents both different startups, and stands of Microsoft, Nokia, eBay, salesforce, Intuit and other giants. It was interesting to see live how Microsoft Surface works, to see what hosting providers offer for web-based companies ( cloud computing , for example). But more interesting were the stands of small start-up companies (I ’ll note separately SynthaSite , Sitemasher , Liquid Planner ).

Of all the reports that were able to listen, the most interesting was Jason Fried from 37signals . Most of the speakers did not tell anything interesting at all - something in common about SEO, about social networks, something about design ...

I must say that the term "Web 2.0" here, many speculated more than they did something really interesting and new.

Instead of the next Web 2.0 Expo, we’ll better participate in RIT :)

View some photos from Web 2.0 Expo.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/40279/

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