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New kind of topic links

As you know, there are three free engines "like Habr." These are Livestreet , Explay and Bigstreet . What is good in them is the fact of their availability and gratuity. But what is bad is a clear “secondary” in relation to Habrahabr.

But today I noticed an interesting feature in one of these systems, which I already want to transfer to Habr :) This is a kind of topic link. On Habré, when clicking on such a link (for example, habrahabr.ru/blogs/japan/40143 → habrahabr.ru/linker/go/40143 → offline.computerra.ru/2008/745/369540 ), it simply opens.

And this is how it might look:

ohost.ru/blog/topic/379 → http://ohost.ru/blog/link/379/ (pay attention to the block at the very top of the page) → www.press-release.ru/branches/org/48d2b3269afe9 .

Personally, I really liked it. In addition, the idea can be developed.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/40276/

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