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SpaceX successfully launched and re-planted the “proven flight and landing” first stage

Without postponement and delay, the SES 10 mission has launched, and has already brought its first fruits for future rockets of mankind and transport into space, as well as for the private company SpaceX and its co-founder and visionary Ilon Mask.

Update: Of course, all this happened with the money of SES, whose satellite at that moment was launched into the second stage of the GPO and is already heading to its geosynchronous orbit.

Judging by the comments from the launch broadcast , this version of the first stage is still not intended for “real reusability”, but at the end of the year the version of the first stage will fly with an expected resource of 10 flights.
Well, let's hope.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/402757/

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