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Need to wash windows? It is worth entrusting it to the robot

If there are people in the world who like to wash windows, there are not very many of them. Most refer to the need to wash the window as an unpleasant duty, work that needs to be done, but not really want to. And if before there was no particular choice, now it is. The point is that high technology helps us to live by doing the routine work instead of a person. Robots-vacuum cleaners have long appeared, and now there is a robot - window cleaner.

It is called Hobot 188 . Its size is small, but the robot can do a lot. Its main advantages are low noise level and work with any smooth surfaces, though vertical, even horizontal. Leaves on the glass does not leave, use it simply. How does all this work?

The structure of the robot

The body of the robot is made of durable ABS plastic. Inside, as usual - electronic filling. The color of the robot is white. It works in automatic mode, but if there is a desire, then you can control it yourself, using the remote control that comes in the kit.

To clean the glass at the beginning of work, you need to install two reusable microfiber cloths. These wipes are very dense and can be used to combat both ordinary dust and dirt or stains. In order that napkins were convenient to put on and take off, special fastenings are provided. The outer side of the ring is ribbed, so the napkin is worn without problems. After the napkins are used, they can be washed in a typewriter. By the way, if the window or any other surface is very dirty, you should replace the wipes as the cleaning process, so that there are no stains. Included are 14 pairs of napkins. That's enough to clean any surfaces. Microfiber, from which the wipes are made, does not leave behind fibers, does not shed, does not roll, absorbs much more water and dirt than ordinary fabric, easily washes, dries quickly after washing and lasts a long time.

The robot is not autonomous and is powered from the network. A power cord with a power supply is connected to it. If this cable is connected to an extension cord (included, length - 4 meters), then you can achieve great freedom of action for the robot, so you can wash the window of any size.

The robot sticks to the glass, drawing in air through two special channels. The air passes through those same microfiber cloths. Looking ahead, it is worth saying that even if electricity disappears (we all know the reliability of the electrical networks), the robot will not fall off the glass and will not fly down from the 16th floor. Inside, a self-contained battery is installed, which allows the robot to hold out on the window long enough until the owner finds out about the problem (when the power goes off, the robot issues a squeak) and removes the device. The charge of the built-in battery lasts about 20 minutes.

In addition, Hobot is equipped with a safety cable, which is recommended to fasten to a reliable support (radiator, etc.). The length of the cable is 4.5 meters.

How it works

To get started, you need to attach the robot to the glass, turn on the toggle switch, pre-charge the battery and release. The robot should hang in one place. After that, already on the remote press the start button.

After the robot is installed and turned on, it can be used to clean any smooth surfaces. It can be a mirror, tile, varnished wood, granite or marble. Anything. After turning on the robot starts to move, sucking in particles of dust and dirt. He has three general modes of cleaning. The device can also be used for the dry cleaning mode, when it is wiping the surface from dust, and for wet cleaning - in this case, you should apply the cleaning agent on the surface to be cleaned. You should also wet the wipes, and you should not do it with too much enthusiasm - they should be wet, but not ooze moisture. Otherwise, the robot will not be able to climb upward on a vertical surface.

The developer recommends using three modes at once:

1. Dry when the robot passes through the glass with dry wipes, removing dust and other types of contamination;
2. Wet cleaning mode, with the use of finishing and cleaning agents;
3. Removal of stains that could remain on the glass or mirror. To do this, change the napkins to clean ones, add some water and send the robot back to the window.

Most often, one mode is enough for cleaning. However, it all depends on the degree of contamination of the coating, which will have to be cleaned. Dry cleaning takes about 25 minutes (a window of 6 square meters). Wet - about 35 minutes.

Sometimes the robot misses some places. In this case, you need a control panel, with which the device can be sent to clear the missed place.

When cleaning the table, the robot will not fall, reaching the edge. He has special sensors that pick up the end of the working surface, so that the robot begins to move in another direction. After completion of the work, he issues a squeak, which signals the completion of the work.

Technical characteristics of Hobot 188


Where can one buy?

In Russia, the robot Hobot-188 is sold here in Madrobots.

And something else

Recently, Boomburum, a columnist for various gadgets known to almost all Geektimes readers, presented a review of the Leatherman Tread multitool bracelet in his blog, which can be bought at our online store at a 20% discount.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/402753/

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