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How quadrocopters helped hold cable vandals


Earlier, we already wrote about the experience of using a quadrocopter when performing installation work by one of the Internet providers of Vologda by Baza.net. It turned out that the guys from Vologda were far from the first who began to use unmanned aerial vehicles during assembly work. An employee of the Khabarovsk company KKS, a company specializing in the construction of communication networks, shared his experience with us.

To begin, let us return to Vologda. Experts from Baza.net have been using quadrocopters in their work for about six months. The principle is quite simple. A line tied to the cable clings to the copter. One end of it is transferred to the right place with the help of a drone. Next, already pull the cable manually.

Naturally, the use of a drone is not always advisable, therefore, most often it is used when passing complex spans. For example, when you need to stretch the cable over a busy roadway.

According to the staff of Baza.net, the use of Copter saves time.


In the Khabarovsk company LLC KKS, which specializes in the construction of communication networks, they believe that in the near future quadcopters will be used in Internet-based provisioning and construction of networks much more widely. The company has been using drones for several years in their work. At the beginning, with their help, difficult spans were also delivered and various small tools were delivered to installers in order to speed up work. In some cases it was possible to reduce the passage of difficult places from two days to one hour.

Later, the drone was used to assess the situation in the new work area. The pictures are much more accurate than on Google Map or Yandex. Moreover, there are no pictures of some areas of the country at all on these services.

About a year ago, drones began to use in order to protect the infrastructure from cable vandals. The first “combat” flight was made by the alarm. The device was able to photograph vandals at the time of theft of equipment and promptly detain them. The detention was carried out as follows: the operator who controlled the drone coordinated the guards, informing them of what exits the criminals were trying to escape.

Here is a photo of those vandals:



The presence of video filming serves as an excellent evidence base in vandal proceedings. For example, some episodes over vandals caught red-handed stretch as much as from 2013. Cases were not even brought to court. In this case, the result of the service of UAVs on the face - this year, dozens of teams of competitors were intercepted, trying to cut the cable. As a result, in areas of patrol it was possible to eradicate cases of vandalism.

Inspection of the area during the construction of networks

Quadrocopers bring enormous benefits when it is necessary to capture an area that has changed over time.

“We are building a network in the private sector ... We left for inspection to determine the installation sites for the couplings and how best to divide the streets into dividers. There is one picture on the Google map, but in reality the terrain has changed significantly. Somewhere the houses were united, but somewhere they were completely abandoned. Quadcopter allows, taking pictures, quickly assess the situation and determine which streets need to build a network in the first place. Previously built without this, but in the end very often had to redo the scheme over time. Build up fiber and deliver couplings. Now, the design accuracy has improved significantly, ”says a representative of KKS LLC.

When planning the laying of optics, you must first assess the terrain. Often, work in the private sector is carried out in hard-to-reach areas, so sending staff can take about a day. The drone copes with this work for an hour, while the picture taken by the drone allows you to chart the cable pulling. In some cases, using the use of Copter can reduce the work for several days.
Drones help out in case of emergencies after natural disasters.

“Once after the passage of a hurricane, all the streets of the village were flooded, but it was necessary to estimate the amount of damage. With the help of a drone, they circled and were able to assess where the trees tumbled down and cut off the optics. At the same time, the quadcopter allows not only to assess the severity of the damage, but also helps in a few hours to pull the optics out from under the fallen trees. Previously, it could take the whole day, "- told in" KKS "

Western operators

Large international operators have long been “addicted” to drones. They are used when inspecting base stations. With their help, you can inspect the infrastructure in detail for the presence of mechanical damage and record everything on video in order to conduct a thorough analysis later.

Drones are used to audit their own infrastructure by many telecommunication companies.

A few more videos to complete the picture.

Unmanned aerial vehicles and telecom beautiful allies. The hour is not far off when their widespread use will no longer be an informational occasion, but will become commonplace. While the global IT giants are trying to implement large-scale projects using drones for data transmission, smaller companies have already adapted them for more mundane tasks.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/402747/

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