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Window and door GSM alarm

All that is valuable - it is necessary to protect! With this statement, no one will argue. One of the popular methods of protection is GSM alarm.

I want to talk about my small, but quite positive experience of using the mini-alarm pole-GSM.


Immediately on nutrition!

I had the idea to install an alarm for a long time. And as a lover of various DIY projects, I was thinking about arduino with gsm shield. But! And this turned out to be for me personally the decisive argument in favor of the ready-made solution - this is food!

The GSM alarm system from dadget is powered by one small battery and according to the documentation it lasts exactly one year. (As he sits down, I’ll add as much as I really need). And for self-made options you will need to conjure something with power and there are doubts that the battery or battery option will last for a year.


Reviews often pay excessive attention to packaging. I will briefly say that it is very shock-resistant and will definitely withstand any adventures in the mail.



In the box, besides the alarm itself, consisting of the main unit, fixed on the doorway and the unit with a magnet, fixed on the door (or window). There is a small - magnet - keychain. About him later. Instruction, a small piece of paper with explanations to the instructions and a SIM card. I did not understand the SIM card and just issued a SIM card for alarms in Beeline. By the way, judging by the reaction of the sellers in the cabin, people often buy SIM cards for signaling to the country.




On the main alarm unit and on the unit with a magnet there are very small marks (triangles). They should be directed to each other. When I fixed the magnet on the door, I confused the tags and got an unstable response. Pay attention to the label and everything will be ok.


What's inside


Almost half of the device takes a battery. So that the battery does not sit down during transportation, it is “backed up” by a transparent plastic plate. Do not throw it away! It is useful during setup. And when you finish the setup - just put the plate in the case - it will come in handy.

A few words about the external sensor. He is and it is good. It will be possible to connect in replacement of the old alarm if the sensors are already installed. I did not experiment with this opportunity, but for its presence, the creators of the device have a plus in karma.

About setting

Setup is not the easiest, but does not cause any difficulties. To configure, you can use both the web site and the application for the phone.

You can go to the site of the configurator right now and see what will be configured and how.
You can also install an application on your phone, the functionality of which will completely repeat what you can configure through the site.


The alarm manufacturer made a very visual video.

Before setting up, I recommend to watch it.

Communication with alarm

The main communication with the alarm occurs via SMS. For any of your actions, the alarm sends SMS (can be disabled). When triggered, it can either send a text message or make a call. From interesting - in SMS messages the alarm system adds signal level.


This is a very cool feature, especially when installing an alarm system in the basement, where there may be problems with cellular communication.


Just in case, I will attach a couple of links to detailed documentation.
From the manufacturer .
From Dj .


I use the alarm system quite recently, and (strongly knocking on the tree) all the alarms were test. And I really hope that they will remain so.

Pros :
Very neatly made. Compact. It works for a long time (year from one battery).

Cons :
For arming use magnetic keychain. A button on the alarm unit itself would be more convenient for me.

A bit of humor

Naturally, I read reviews about the alarm on the site dadzhet. And one smiled at me:


Potential buyers

With a 10% discount, window-door alarms can be purchased via GT-AL promo code .


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/402713/

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