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LinkedIn blocked social network has risen to tax accounting in the FTS


The social network LinkedIn after the recent demarche of its leadership and the public refusal to comply with the norms of the Russian legislation went back down and got registered with the Federal Tax Service to pay the "tax on Google", according to Izvestia. LinkedIn will be one of 128 foreign companies that will start paying taxes on April 25 of this year.

The fact that the company is registered does not cancel the blocking of the social network by Roskomnadzor for non-compliance with the requirements of the legislation on the standards for storing and processing personal data of Russians. Earlier, the vice-president of LinkedIn sent a letter to the regulator, in which he said that his company was not ready to fulfill such requirements.

Despite the official blocking on the territory of the Russian Federation and the position of individual members of the company's management, LinkedIn is taking steps to restore full service functionality in the Russian Federation. So, the press service of the social network said that "LinkedIn will still be available in Russian, and we hope that we can restore service in Russia in the future."
The story of the blocking of the professional social network began in the middle of 2016. Then Roskomnadzor filed on LinkedIn in court for violation of the law in the field of collection, storage and processing of personal data of Russians. The regulator was not embarrassed by the fact that legally the social network was not present in the Russian legal field - in the opinion of the RKN, the Russian version of the site is sufficient for work in the Russian Federation. From the point of view of LinkedIn lawyers, the hearings were conducted with violations , but the social network was still blocked, and the appeal did not bring any results.

Before sending a letter to Roskomnadzor about the “unwillingness to comply with the norms of Russian legislation,” LinkedIn representatives conducted negotiations with Roskomnadzor , which ended without result.

“We met with Roskomnadzor in December to discuss the law requirements for localization. Despite our negotiations, we still have not found understanding with Roskomnadzor, which would lead to unlocking of LinkedIn and would allow us to again provide service to users from Russia. This means that LinkedIn will still be blocked in the Russian Federation, ”stated Vice-President of LinkedIn, Eriel Exteen.

Technically, LinkedIn may not pay to the Russian treasury. Legally, the social network still does not conduct business on the territory of the Russian Federation, so that the company will be able to file so-called “zero reporting”. Even if the first reports are empty, the interaction with the Russian authorities will continue: LinkedIn belongs to the software giant Microsoft, which has been successfully and legally working on the Russian market for many years.

Putting LinkedIn on tax accounting is the first step to restore the legal service in the Russian Federation. Much now depends on the principledness of Roskomnadzor: many large foreign companies still do not fulfill the requirements for the storage of personal data, but LinkedIn, a not-very-popular service, not very popular among the masses, came under attack as a “test of strength”.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/402705/

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