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The most accurate in the world: Valencell heart rate monitor for Jabra, Suunto, Atlas, Sony and others

Valencell - "gray cardinal" in the sports market. Sensors of this company are equipped with popular sports gadgets that athletes use to monitor the pulse during training.

Inside there are a few words about optical noise-canceling sensors and an Atlas coupon.

Valencell does not make its own gadgets: its main focus is the development of accurate heart rate monitors, which distinguish weak blood flow, thanks to a special patented technology. Among the customers are world famous brands !

Visually for the user, it consists in an additional “red” light added to two green lights. Technology is carefully guarded, and attempts to reproduce something similar lead to lawsuits, - so it was , for example, with the well-known Bragi Dash.


To paraphrase what Valencell does, they are working on a “noise-canceling pulse suppression” technology. Environmental noise in this case refers to external interference caused by human movement, as well as natural factors. In the understanding of the developers of the team, the modern heart rate monitor can work as a speaker system with active noise control .

For this, the "orange" heart rate monitor was integrated. It is argued that at rest the classic “green” method is relatively accurate, but under high loads such sensors capture all data and signals without filtering them, which will result in an error.

Orange optical sensor penetrates deeper, which minimizes external interference, and also allows you to distinguish weak blood flow. A detailed description can be found in the patent Valencell , where examples of heart rate analysis taking into account the user's activity are given.

On different graphs, which were compiled for different types of activity for the Atlas tracker, you can see examples of this very “Clean Pulse”, taking into account different types of physical exertion.

For constant tests of its technology, PerformTek, the team created an internal laboratory , where it ensures that optical sensors give accurate readings in different conditions, screening motion artifacts and external interference.

The company tests its sensors in different conditions taking into account a number of factors, including permanent ones (skin color, gender). Participants in the experiments are divided by age, level of preparation and build.

Given the current and possible recoverable biometric data, the application of this technology is wide.

Sport and medicine, civil security, military industry, are just the first obvious niches that the company is aiming for. An example is the work of firefighters, where the speed of response to an emergency situation depends on their physical condition.

In the meantime - the company is fairly well represented in the sport and is preparing sensors for brands such as Jabra, LG, Suunto. There is no shame in this! For example, many companies are turning to third-party manufacturers for sensors: the same Garmin integrated the developments of Mio Global into its first optical heart rate monitors.


Our catalog also has optics from Valencell. The main purpose of the Atlas is a heart rate monitor for crossfit and gym classes: in fact, it can replace a personal trainer.

Its key difference is: the ability to distinguish whether a user performs the selected exercises correctly and how effectively he works on muscle “pumping”.

Reviews that are found in the network, rather highly assess its capabilities, however, at the same time blaming some other features. And, what's funny, in various publications and praise, and curse about the same thing .

In our blog, we also made a description of the key features of this tracker .

Price tracker Atlas
It's not so simple. Given that the official price has always been at $ 199, the mighty Amazon came into play.

Be with him - we can not. But we can offer in Russia 2 for the price of 1 , a kind of "Family Kit", if anyone is interested.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/402649/

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