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WhatsApp, Telegram and front camera: how it works, how it should work and a little more about the correspondence with support


It all started with the fact that about two months ago I discovered the strange behavior of the front camera in WhatsApp. I am writing only now, not because I have been preparing the post for so long, but because all this time I corresponded with the technical support of the messenger. Well, to the heap - he himself began to doubt: I found a bug or a feature.

Sending a selfie using WhatsApp, I found my earring not in my left ear, but in my right ear. Recipient photo confirmed this fact. But at the same time in the / WhatsApp Images folder, the photo was normal, not mirrored. Then I began to experiment with Telegram. He behaved the same way (mirrored and sent a photo from the front camera), but at least honestly kept it in / Telegram in the same form in which it sent. For a better understanding, I brought the results of the research to the list, and just below I will give screenshots.

So, as of today, when sending photos from the front camera ...
WhatsApp: mirrors the image, in this form sends it to the recipient and displays it in the dialog. The photo itself is stored in the program folder in unchanged form.
Telegram: mirrors the image, in this form sends it to the recipient, displays it in a dialog and stores it in the program folder.


Separately pleased with the correspondence with WhatsApp support. I will not quote completely, I will convey in my own words.

At first, I was denied the creation of a ticket due to the presence on the Root device (in terms of support, "It looks like you are using a flashed phone. We are sorry, but we do not support the flashed devices ..."). OK, I found a smartphone with stock firmware, repeated all the actions on it and sent a message in support.

After that, I received a letter three times asking me to send debugging information (I did it diligently all three times), and at the end it was enchanting: “We understand that a misunderstanding could have occurred, but this is actually a function of the application and its features.”

Now I myself am not sure what it was. Therefore, I ask for help from the hall (see poll) ...

PS In principle, I can assume where the legs grow from. The smartphone and front camera are often used as a pocket mirror (especially ladies). In this case, the image really needs to be mirrored. But why messengers send a picture from the front camera in a mirrored form - I do not understand. Indeed, in this case, the recipient will see not the real picture that I wanted to show him, but its mirror version ...

UPD: I, it seems, understood why from the support they wrote: “this is not a bug, but a feature”. To give me a reward for the error found, do not pay :) :) :).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/402609/

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