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News about the zone of the Russian Federation from Yekaterinburg

Today in Yekaterinburg, the Ural stage of the All-Russian Internet Marathon began in 2008 (RIF-Ural). One of the reports on it was called "The introduction of Cyrillic domains: threats and prospects." It was represented by Pavel Khramtsov, an analyst at the RU-CENTER registrar. There were several points in the speech that seemed very interesting to me. Of course, for someone they may not be news, however, I hasten to share them with readers.

The most important of them - the Cyrillic domain will be exactly. It's no secret that today many people object to its implementation and believe that the appearance of the zone of the Russian Federation bears only negative points. However, many people are confident in the opposite. So, for example, today, the following thought was voiced: Cyrillic domains are necessary for ... pensioners who "actively explore the virtual space." I don’t know, I don’t know how important the zone of the Russian Federation is for Russian pensioners, but ICAAN supports its creation. So Cyrillic domains will be. And, perhaps, by the end of next year.

Another interesting point. According to Pavel Khramtsov, no technical difficulties associated with the introduction of Cyrillic domains are foreseen. There is, however, one significant nuance. To date, only Google is ready for indexation of the zone of the Russian Federation. Neither Yandex nor Rambler are capable of it for the time being. However, there is still time. I do not think that at least one of the major search engines will be able to ignore Cyrillic domains.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/40254/

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