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Why a cardio shirt is better than without it: a few words about smart clothes

Some people don’t like to wear chest belts with heart rate monitors, for some it’s uncomfortable to train with watches and bracelets. In this case, the cardio T-shirt is a great alternative.

Inside, a few words about smart clothes in general and a cardio-shirt CB-sport .

Cardio T-shirts are just one of the components of a whole niche of smart clothing, or connected clothing, which is used in various fields: medicine, military, entertainment and, of course, sports.

The last direction, sports, is currently one of the most sought-after, open and accessible, therefore the number of offers here is more. Everyone remembers well Sensoria , Athos, OMsignal and other manufacturers.

Attracts a niche and big brands. In particular, at CES, Polar announced its version of a cardio T-shirt for fans of the brand.

If you go down "below the belt", then, for example, Xiaomi is not the first time talking about smart sneakers. Lumo, the developer of Lift posture corrector, launched their clothing project Lumo Run .

And so on and so forth. From the most recent high-profile announcements: it became known that this year the world will see a smart jacket Google, developed in partnership with Levi's. In other words: a niche is growing, developing, and developers are showing interest in it.

IDC analysts also give favorable forecasts , believing, however, that in the near future there will be no decent competition in sales for smart watches and smart bracelets. However, by 2021, the smart clothes market will grow significantly from a share of 1.3 percent to 9.4.

While it is still not clear what exactly is meant by smart clothes, therefore, for artificially overestimating indicators in a niche, sometimes everything that gets into focus. Well, let's say, sewed the PowerBank into the jacket - everything, a smart jacket. Some sensible comments about smart clothes can be found in the Russian wiki.

In addition, some believe that smart clothing should be different materials, that is, it must be made of special technological fabrics, which can be divided into:

A surge in the niche of smart clothes for sports should probably be expected at point “2”. Smart cardio clothing is able to receive a signal from the pulse sensor and with the help of special software to analyze the indicators. While this is paired with chest sensors.

This type of smart cardio clothing is a CB-sport T-shirt .

Cardio T-shirt Review

Caballero Sport is a company from Taiwan, in the assortment of which a huge number of items of sports clothing. Some of them are with the ability to connect sports pulse sensors, both branded, that would work with the brand's application, and others.

In fact, the CB-sport cardio T-shirt solves several problems: it frees the wrist, eliminates the need to drag yourself with a belt + performs the usual functions of a sports T-shirt.

T-shirt elastic, it consists of:

In the “un-allocated” state, it looks quite compact:

In the photo size S / M

With tape measure


In each direction it can be stretched almost doubled.

It fits perfectly on the figure, repeating the relief, albeit like this:

From the back

The logo behind, as well as the inscription in the upper part of the front, serve as reflectors for training in the dark.

She perfectly stretches:

Above - too:

Compression effect

The CB-sport sports T-shirt also has a compression effect, which has a positive effect on the work of the vascular system during exercise, helping the vessels withstand these loads!

At the same time, the tight fit of the T-shirt during training also has another positive effect, improving the dynamic characteristics. T-shirt has several types of "surfaces": ribbed, smooth, mesh.

The latter provides air flow, air circulation and accelerated disposal of sweat. It is important that the T-shirt is almost seamless: two joints - only on the shoulders. On the sides - from the armpit to the bottom there are no seams, which means that during a workout nothing will be rubbed, there will be no discomfort.

Thus, summing up the intermediate result, the advantages of the cardio T-shirt are that the heart rate monitor is always fixed at the same level, does not slide off, as is the case with the use of chest sensors. Then you simply do not run naked. Further, it should be noted compression qualities that help prevent vascular wear. And finally, comfort when used due to the lack of seams.

Heart rate monitor connection

Chest pulse meter is connected to the front.

The tape passes under the breast and ends in the area under the arms:

In this version of the T-shirt, the ribbon has become thinner.

The tape itself is made inside of special conductive filaments, which receive signals.

In a section:

Attempt to remove the thread

The best conductivity is provided by special metallic fibers that are woven into the main body of the T-shirt.

Another attempt to remove the thread

In the photo, if you look closely, you can discern a silver thread that stands out. On the official website, without details, it is reported that these are special patented “fiber electrodes” that provide constant reading of the heart rate.

Also, in addition to nylon, polypropylene contains a small amount of silver fiber. It was added with an “antibacterial” purpose.

The T-shirt works with any convenient Bluetooth heart rate monitor so you can stream data into familiar applications: Runtstic, Endomondo, Polar, etc.

Given the composition - recommended hand wash !

Competitive advantages:

CB-Sport cost

Currently, for the season, we sell models of men's sports cardio-t-shirts for the promotion: the cost of one is 4,190 rubles .

Also there is a special “Family” set: pink Aftershokz Trekz Titanium + SB-sport t-shirt for a headset price: 9500 rubles . That is, the T-shirt just comes as a gift to the headset with bone conduction!

Successful training in the new season!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/402529/

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