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How can you tweet from the Opera address bar

By following the simple instructions you can tweet directly from the address bar of the Opera.

1. Copy this code to some text editor:
data: text / html,% 3C% 21DOCTYPE% 20html% 3E% 3Chtml% 20lang% 3D% 22en% 22% 3E% 3Chead% 3E% 3Cmeta% 20charset% 3D% 22UTF-8% 22% 3E% 3Ctitle% 3ETweet% 3C % 2Ftitle% 3E% 3Cstyle% 20type% 3D% 22text% 2Fcss% 22% 3Eobject% 7Bvisibility% 3Ahidden% 3B% 7D% 3C% 2Fstyle% 3E% 3C% 2Fhead% 3E% 3Cbody% 3E% 3Cscript% 20type% 3D% 22text % 2Fjavascript% 22% 3Efunction% 20enc% 28text% 29% 7Breturn% 20encodeURI% 28text% 29.replace% 28% 2F% 5C% 2B% 2Fg% 2C% 27% 2520% 27% 29% 3B% 7D% 20var% 20tweet % 3Denc% 28% 27% s% 27% 29% 3Bvar% 20username% 3Denc% 28% 27opera% 27% 29% 3Bvar% 20password% 3Denc% 28% 27software% 27% 29% 3Bdocument.write% 28% 27% 3Cobject % 20data% 3D% 22data% 3Atext% 2Fhtml% 2C% 253C% 2521DOCTYPE% 2520html% 253E% 253Chtml% 2520lang% 253D% 2522en% 2522% 253E% 253Chead% 253E% 253Cmeta% 253% 22 3-------F F F F F F F F F F F F F 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22% % 253Ctitle% 253ETweet% 2521% 2520Tweet% 2521% 253C% 252Ftitle% 253E% 253C% 252Fhead% 253E% 253Cbody% 253E% 253Cform% 2520method% 253D% 2522POST% 2522% 2522method254to 2222method% 2222method% 2222method% 2222method% 222method% 2222method% % 2Busername% 2B% 27% 253A% 27% 2Bpassword% 2B% 27% 2540twitter.com% 252Fstatuses% 252Fupdate.xml% 2522% 2520name% 253D% 2522tweet% 2522% 253E% 253Ctextarea% 2520name% 253D% 2522status% 2522% 253E% 27% 2Btweet% 2B% 27% 253C% 252Ftextarea% 253E% 253Cinput% 2520type% 253D% 2522submit% 2522% 253E% 252222type2 252D% 252% submit% 2522% 252type% 2520type% 2520% 252%% Subscribe% 2520%% 2520type% 253D% 2522text% 252Fjavascript% 2522% 253Edocument.tweet.submit% 2528% 2529% 253B% 253C% 252Fscript% 253E% 253C% 252Fbody% 253E% 253C% 252Fhtml% 253E% 22% 3E% 3C% 2Fobject% 3E% 27% 29% 3B% 20window.location% 3D% 27http% 3A% 2F% 2Ftwitter.com% 2F% 27% 2Busername% 3B% 3C% 2Fscript% 3E% 3C% 2Fbody% 3E% 3C% 2Fhtml% 3E

2. Replace “opera” with your username,
3. Replace the “software” with your password
4. Add a new search (Tools> Preferences> Search),
5. Name - Twitter, for example. The keyword you like
6. In the Address field, copy the code.

Voila is now Opera, also a client for Twitter, but only with the ability to post.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/40251/

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