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Augmented reality began to be massively applied in American industry.

Augmented reality (augmented reality, AR) is one of the “J” (see note) industrial technologies with accelerated diffusion.
In 2015 we, creating a high-tech machine-building enterprise, adopted the experience of our foreign colleagues, machine builders, automating assembly sites with workstations, large displays and three-dimensional models of equipment produced from PDM systems (see photo below) to optimize assembly operations in the workshop.
We equipped these sections with displays, to which the three-dimensional composition of products and the complete set of documentation needed for fast and high-quality product assembly were displayed. Fortunately, young fitters were already ready to work effectively with electronic documentation. We understood that functionally this solution is very close to augmented reality glasses and AR software, but the time for AR in production in 2015 has not yet come. Nevertheless, we have provided readiness for the integration of AR into the production process.

Two years later, in 2017, such integration becomes a competitive advantage for manufacturers .

“One of the pioneers of this technology is a company located in the suburbs of Atlanta. AGCO is the factories around the world, which make large tractors, fertilizer sprinklers and other agricultural equipment.
At one of the AGCO factories, Heather Ericson assembles the tractor engine before further integration into the machines.
She works in a Jackson factory in a red and black uniform with blue jeans. And she wears something else: Google Glass Augmented Reality Glasses.
Using Google Glass, it scans the serial number on the part of the engine with which it works. Before my eyes there are manuals, photos or videos that she may need during assembly. She can click on the eyeglasses or say "OK Glass" to leave the team to the next shift through the voice notes of the team.
Peggy Gullick, AGCO Business Process Development Director, says that using Google Glass was an “absolute turning point.” Quality control has accelerated by 20%, she says, glasses also help in training new specialists. Prior to this, workers used tablets. Today, AGCO has about one hundred experts using Google Glass, which are harder to break or lose than tablets. Each points cost about $ 2000.
Tiffany Tsai, writing about technology development, says that today is an augmented reality in active trial operation in the production processes of many companies, including General Electric and Boeing.
At AGCO plants, the use of augmented reality technology is not only acceptable, but also in demand. Gullick says the company plans to double the use of technology by the end of this year. ”

Everything is in place: increase in productivity, increase in the quality of products due to the use of technology (it is more difficult to make mistakes when assembling), the exponential development of technology running along the J-trajectory - a twofold increase in the use of technology in a year.

Watch carefully: AR - in a couple of years, everywhere in the workshops of the leading plants, where robots will still leave room for people.

* J - from the diffusion trajectory in the shape of the letter J, from the word Jump, or from the word suggested in geektimes in the comments to my previous post for the same letter, but in a different language.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/402505/

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