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Return to innocence

The world is going through difficult times now: banking and mortgage crises are rampant here, oil is becoming more expensive, money is getting cheaper, engines fall off from Land Rovers, and it’s generally better not to look at the RTS and MICEX indices. So Habr was no exception and, keeping pace with the entire civilized world, is experiencing a kind of crisis with all the accompanying processes: unrest, accusations, revelations, virtual suicides, periodic panic and uncontrolled emissions of karma.

So, in order to keep up with the processes occurring in the global economy and prevent possible crises, we decided to take certain measures, namely, to abolish such a thing as the power of voice (it is possible that this is temporary). That is, in fact, we are returning to the old, classical system “one vote = one point”, tested by time and not one thousand users.

And now the most important thing: in connection with the abolition of the power of voice on Habré tonight, all votes for topics, comments and karma given by users from August 11 to today will be recalculated. In addition, each user's habrasil will be recalculated accordingly. All this, of course, will affect the distribution of places in the ratings as well as some other things, so do not be surprised. Believe me, everything will be fair.

In addition, the security guard began his work at Habré (the security system of the X- rallies, the Government, the Accuracy and the N- prejudice, as well as the H- book and the interest of the company), which works under the direct control of UFOs. The most arrogant violators of the GUARD will expose outside of Habr, personally notifying the user in a polite manner about the number of days during which the authorized entry to Habr will be unavailable.
In connection with all this, we declare an amnesty: each previously blocked user can write a letter to the address support@habrahabr.ru and, having admitted his guilt and having promised not to break the rules anymore, he can count on immediate unblocking. I note that the violators of the rules “Habr - not for clones” and “Habr are not a shop at all” are not subject to amnesty.

That's all. Before communication.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/40247/

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