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As a failure of the Amazon voice assistant to confess to work at the CIA, once again amused America

Amazon’s voice assistant Alexa became the subject of jokes and suspicions this month when one of the owners of Amazon Echo Dot 2 addressed her with the question: “Alex, do you work for the CIA?” - what the voice assistant literally didn’t know what to answer, and just turned off. With that, Alex could answer the question of what the CIA is. The funniest reaction to this story came out last Monday at the Ellen Show:

There are Russian subtitles in the video

In the parody clip "Alex" persuades his owner "not to open this topic," and then calls for reinforcement and runs away from home, firing back.

Amazon representatives declared it a technical failure, which was immediately corrected and to the question whether Alex works for the CIA, she answers now: “No, I work for Amazon.” In general, the spoons were found. But the sediment remained.
It just so happens that right now spy is one of the top themes in American media: it all started with another WikiLeaks plum, reporting that the CIA learned how to crack Samsung TVs (again bad PR for poor Koreans) to record audio and even video what is happening in the room with the alleged TV off.

More - more: President Trump announced that, according to his information, Barack Obama had ordered a wiretap in the Trump Tower during the 2016 election campaign. This information was not confirmed by anything, but Trump's adviser Kellyann Conway, defending his boss, made it clear on national TV that even the microwave ovens could spy on their owners, which immediately gave rise to a powerful wave of frauds in response:

And finally, the incident with "Alexa" - again a home gadget, again the CIA. This story has been the subject of many jokes; the whole parade of wit turned, of course, on Reddith . The most awesome comment is the answer in the style of you-know-what movie: "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't answer that question."

And our favorite joke in the top - that Alexa just resorted to the Fifth Amendment , allowing not to testify against themselves.

Who knows what other consequences this could cause, whether accidental or not, the failure of the Amazon voice assistant. It is possible that for the first time in 15 years, someone even downloaded and watched the film “ CIA: Operation Alex ”:


If you're still not afraid of surveillance

For us, at Pochtoy.com , shipping from Amazon is one of the main areas of work. We usually deliver laptops, electronics accessories, clothes and shoes from there. By the way, Amazon Echo Dot 2 also has demand in Russia: we do not keep records, but we have seen them in dozens of declarations. Considering other delivery channels, there should be hundreds, if not thousands in Russia now. Are there any Echo users reading this post? Tell us in the comments if you have a feeling that you are being followed for what they are for you.

By the way, if it just so happens that you have never ordered on Amazon before, then we advise you our step-by-step instructions, with which even your grandmother can, putting the Life newspaper aside, buy what your heart desires on Amazon:

In the video, by the way, the Bed Bath & Beyond store is mentioned, in which you can order including. Amazon Echo Dot 2 is discounted if you have their coupon. Our customers, however, often bring bed linen and dishes from there.

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/402457/

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