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Bill Gates - the richest man in the world for the fourth year in a row

Forbes magazine once again showed who is richer in the world of all by publishing a list of the richest people in the world . As it turned out, Bill Gates, the founder and former head of Microsoft Corporation, retained the first line.

Gates goes to the first position in the Forbes list for the fourth time (the third was last year). The top lines of the Forbes Bill Gates rankings take about 18 years. Now his fortune is estimated at $ 86.8 billion. This is $ 9 billion more than Urren Buffet, who is ranked second. By the way, Microsoft assets do not constitute the bulk of Gates' capital.

In February, the entrepreneur said that he owned 174,992,934 Microsoft shares. This is more than $ 11 billion in cash equivalent and 13.1% of Gates' fortune. Every year he sells millions of shares belonging to him. For ten years, the founder of Microsoft has sold several hundred million securities of the corporation. He does this not in order to receive money and deposit it into his account, but in order to provide the necessary funds for the work of another organization, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. To this end, only last month, he sold about 20 million shares worth $ 513.3 million. Despite such a number of securities sold, Gates still remains a major shareholder of the corporation. On September 30, 2016, he owned 2.5% of their total number.
Interestingly, if you evaluate the position of Gates in the list of the richest people in the world only by his Microsoft assets, then in this case he retains a place in the top 200 rich people on Earth. If we evaluate the shares in his money equivalent, it turns out $ 11.4 billion, which automatically puts Gates on the 120 position in the list, next to the owner of the Wal-Mart trading network. Behind Gates at 121 position is Eric Schmidt, chairman of the holding Alphabet.

The most successful businessman of all whose names appear on the list can be called Amazon head Jeff Bezos. Over the year, his fortune increased by $ 27.6 billion, reaching $ 72.8 billion. He was ranked third on the list, a year ago, Bezos ranked fifth.

Warren Buffett showed quite good results, which has become richer in the past 12 months by $ 14.8 billion. His assets added to the price after Donald Trump became the president of the United States.

The fifth line of the ranking is another representative of the IT sector. This is Mark Zuckerberg, head of the Facebook social network. His fortune increased by $ 11.4 billion over the year. The founder of the social network ousted Carlos Sliema Helou, the owner of Mexico’s telecommunications empire, who, by the way, held the first place a few years ago, ranked fifth.

In the Forbes list of 195 newcomers, and many - representatives of the IT business. For example, this year, John and Patrick Collison, co-founders of the Stripe online payment system, were on the list for the first time. John Collison is the youngest self-made billionaire on the list. Became a billionaire Evan Spiegel, creator of Shapchat.

By the way, the current US President Donald Trump was impoverished by $ 1 billion over the year, having lost immediately 220 positions in the list of the richest people in the world.

Russian billionaires

This year, the list of Forbes in the Forbes list is 19 Russians more than a billion. Russian Forbes explains this by the fact that the country's economy has stabilized, some industries even show a positive trend. In addition, oil prices rose by about 25% over the year.

Among the Russian billionaires included in the list, not so many representatives of the telecommunications sector. More industrialists. For example, the list of the richest Russians for the second year is headed by the co-owner of Novatek and Sibur, Leonid Mikhelson. His fortune is estimated at $ 18.4 billion.

Of those who are more or less connected with IT, Alisher Usmanov can be called with a fortune of $ 15.2 billion. And then, the main part of his assets are mining companies. True, Usmanov owns controlling stakes in MegaFon and the Internet holding Mail.ru Group, he owns a stake in Chinese company Xiaomi.

Viktor Vekselberg, president of the Skolkovo Foundation, has a fortune of $ 12.4 billion. Over the year, he became richer by $ 1.9 billion, taking 89th place in the world ranking of billionaires.

By the way, Russian entrepreneurs who work in the IT field were noticed by the World Economic Forum, which makes a list of the youngest world leaders (Young Global Leaders). “Every year we choose the most innovative, enterprising and socially-oriented men and women under the age of 40 who push the boundaries and rethink the world around them,” the explanation to the 2017 list says. This year, Pavel Durov, founder of the Vkontakte social network and Telegram messenger, and Ekaterina Bereziy, co-founder of the ExoAtlet startup for the creation of an exskeleton for the disabled, were on the list itself. True, in the list of leaders Durov is listed as the representative of Finland, and not Russia.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/402447/

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