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Meet: Exhibition and Conference on Additive Technologies Top 3D Expo Dental Edition [Moscow, April 14, 2017]

Dear friends!

We are happy to announce Top 3D Expo 2017 - Dental Edition: an exhibition and conference about 3D, in dentistry and not only!
On April 14, 2017, in the very heart of Moscow, the annual exhibition and conference of 3D technologies will take place, where the leaders of the Russian market of additive technologies will present their latest products and developments, share experiences and answer visitors' questions.

This year, the conference Top 3D Expo 2017 is designed to gather specialists and representatives from the field of digital dentistry, but not only - the schedule of the event is divided into two parts, and the second part - the Additive Part - on the broader use of 3D technologies and updates in this area related to dentistry.

Practicing speakers will share their experience in using digital tools (3D printing, 3D scanning, CAD / CAM technology) in their daily practice in various fields of application.

The purpose of the conference:


Expositions of the conference Top 3D Expo 2017 is an exhibition of up-to-date equipment, samples and developments from the field of 3D printing and 3D scanning of domestic and foreign manufacturers.

Master Class:

In addition to the conference and the exposition itself, you will also find a traditional 3D printing and scanning workshop from Top 3D Shop.

Our members:


Di telegraph
Address: Moscow, st. Tverskaya, d.7, 9 pod., 5 fl.

Sign up

Reviews from the previous event:

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/402445/

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