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Venus Week in the Northern Hemisphere

Astronomers announced the week of Venus - from March 20 to March 25 in the northern hemisphere the planet will be visible both in the evening and in the morning. This is a rather rare occurrence twice in eight years. And besides, Venus is now coming very close to the Earth, and you can check the sharpness of your vision, trying to see the Venus sickle with the naked eye.

Venus on March 14, photo by kryptonik Astroforum

Lower connection features

The inclination of the plane of the orbit of Venus is 3.4 ° to the ecliptic. Therefore, when a planet passes between the Earth and the Sun (this is called the “lower connection”), it is above or below the Sun.

Configurations of the planets, SSsilver / Wikipedia scheme
Twice in eight years, Venus is so much higher that in the northern hemisphere of the Earth it becomes visible both in the evening and in the morning. In the area of ​​55 latitude, where most of the major Russian cities are located, this can be observed approximately from March 20 to March 25, 2017.

55 latitude, evening, look to the west, to the left 20, to the right, March 25, illustration from the planetarium Stellarium

55 latitude, morning, look to the east, on the left 20, on the right on March 25, illustration from the planetarium Stellarium

Last time it was in January 2014, and in the future it will happen in January 2022 and March 2025. The coincidences of the months are not accidental - for 8 Earth years, Venus makes almost exactly 13 revolutions, and the relative position of the planets is repeated. If you draw the lines Earth-Venus over these 8 years, you will get a very beautiful figure, which is called the Venta pentagram:

A small clarification, here the viewer looks from below the plane of the ecliptic. At the usual gaze from the selected North Pole as the standard, the planet's ecliptic rotate counterclockwise

See with the naked eye

The fact that Venus will be in the lower junction means that it will come closer to the Earth. The distance will decrease to 0.28 astronomical units, and the angular size of Venus will reach 59 angular seconds, which is on the verge of the capabilities of the human eye. Now Venus is a very thin sickle, which is formed according to the same physical principles as the very thin sickle of the Moon in the area of ​​the new moon.

Venus on February 7 and 17, March 5 and 9, 2017, Astroforum TEVg user photo

Venus, photo by Shahrin Ahmad

In the Urals and the Volga region, the anticyclone is now active, the weather is still good, it's time to look at the sky. In Moscow, partly cloudy promise on Tuesday and by the end of the week, there is a chance to see the rare position of Venus.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/402421/

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