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Portable garden Click and Grow. We grow greens at home or in the office all year round.

Spring is for many of us a favorite season. Well, still - after all, it begins to warm up, the buds on the trees swell, the light day becomes longer. Someone feels an increase in strength, mood improves, new ideas and energy appear. But there is also its own fly in the ointment - in the spring, the human body lacks vitamins. Sometimes, instead of the expected recovery, there is a weakness, you want to sleep, the person becomes more irritable.

It is believed that the cause of this may be vitamin deficiency - lack of vitamins necessary for the human body. And although some scientists say that there is no avitaminosis, most experts believe the opposite. Anyway, you can fill in the lack of fresh vegetables and fruits, which are not so much in the spring. Here you can help your own small garden with a couple of beds planted with greenery. But here's the trouble and the garden is not at all, plus many people do not consider working with the land such a fascinating thing. In a situation when you want fresh vegetables and fruits, the smart garden Click and Grow can help.

We like this system because we can grow plants free from accumulated harmful substances (toxic chemicals and their decomposition products). Thus, users of Click and Grow will not be difficult to grow the harvest of basil or other plants. Even a newbie can handle this system.

It consists of a smart bed of a container for potty cartridges, a pump, sensors with electronics, cartridges with nutrients and seeds, and a lamp that illuminates the plants so that they feel good. The size of the system in the assembled state is 109 x 29 x 109 mm.

The light mode is automatic, the lamp lasts about 16 hours, after which it turns off. This is done to simulate a normal daylight hours. The time to turn on the light bulb can be changed. For example, set the switch on at 8 am, then the light will turn off at midnight. The height of the light bulb is adjustable. When the plants are high, the light bulb can be raised.

All three containers with plants receive from the lamp the necessary amount of light (covered area of ​​51 cm ²).

The system is equipped with an indicator that shows which container you need to add water and whether you need to change the batteries. Water will have to fill up about once a month, the volume - about 1 liter.

To get started, you need to remove the sticker from the cartridge, install the cartridge in the base and pour the contents of the seed bag onto the soil. This procedure should be repeated three times for three cartridges. Each of them is closed with a special transparent lid, which ensures the creation of a favorable microclimate. As soon as sprouts appear, reaching a certain size (reach to the lid), it can be removed.

After starting Click and Grow, you need to wait 1-2 weeks before the first shoots appear. If basil is planted, it is worth remembering that the plant will stretch to its usual size in 6-8 months. If you want to grow not basil, but another plant, then you need to take the appropriate cartridge. If desired, already grown plants can be transplanted into a regular pot or garden bed.

There is also the possibility to use not the same containers, but different ones. You can buy a separate thyme cartridge from Madrobots . Pre-order also includes cherry tomatoes , chili peppers and even strawberries , plus basil already voiced above.

In general, the system throughout the year allows you to grow greens for your table (or for beauty). Its advantage is the reliability and ease of care for plants. There are no problems with a smart garden. The Click and Grow system can be just a decoration of a kitchen or a room, or it can also be a constant source of greenery for the table, or, admittedly, cocktails. Not bad smart garden will look at the office.

You can buy Click and Grow smart garden from us at Madrobots .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/402415/

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