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Bluedio Vinyl Premium: cool high-tech headphones in an elegant retro-skinned and with floating cups

All music lovers and consider themselves such a good day!

Not so long ago I wrote a post about three models of headphones from the Chinese company Bluedio - Bluedio R +, Bluedio A (Air) and Bluedio T2 Plus. In the same place I told about the history of this manufacturer. He told about his successes and why his “ears” are EXTREMELY sold at cost. Then, according to the results of the “debriefing” after the article on Geektimes.ru, I had to hurt one hipster with iPhones.ru . And in the meantime, there I threw the promise to make a test review of the latest Bluedio-Vinyl Premium “ears” model. This is a flagship headphones with a nice retro design, as hinted at the mention of vinyl in the title.

Bluedio branded chips - support for multi-point, the possibility of sharing music on other headphones, a very long autonomy and so on - on the spot. In general, a very interesting copy, which, among other things, is also distinguished by design. Below, I will tear the veil off him!

This is the cat Ziama next to Bluedio Vinyl Premium. Zyam pretty purr

But for a start - a brief squeeze from my first post. Well, just so that those who have not read it, find out what a mastodon of the headphone market is actually the Chinese manufacturer Bluedio. And those who read, but had already forgotten, remembered. So, a few points:

• The development and partially production of the latest current line of headphones Bluedio paid for Chinese Google - the Internet giant Baidu. He needed high-quality "ears" to distribute to fans of the Baidu Music music service. Bluedio was attracted to create them. Baidu company paid for the development of "ears" and in part - their production. Plus, Baidu gave Bluedio a good amount just for the fact of participation in the project. As a result, Bluedio has already earned on its new "ears" and can safely give them away at cost or even lower. For Bluedio, after all, the most important thing right now is to gain a foothold in the market and promote your brand. But, unlike the same Beats, they do it not with advertising and public relations with the involvement of expensive stars, but in the most understandable way for the Chinese - fierce price dumping, offering really cool and decent-sounding headphones much cheaper than any competitors. Therefore, most Bluedio headphone models are sold for 2-3-5 thousand rubles, depending on the model. If it were not for participation in the Baidu project, these “ears” would really cost an average of 7-10 thousand rubles. And even more expensive.

• In 2014, Bluedio has been working with sound engineers, who at one time “beat down” the Beats headphone line. Between the Beats and Monster collaboration and the Beats takeover by Apple. Engineers did not like working with Tim Cook, they left, and soon Bluedio called them to her place. Thus, seriously strengthening its already intelligent development team.

• Bluedio R +, Bluedio A (Air) and Bluedio T2 Plus are quite comparable in sound with the models of the Beats or the same Sennheiser, which cost 5-7-10 times more expensive. And at the Philips model, which is estimated at 4,000 rubles, the Bluedio “ears” won outright. Both in sound and in chips. Just in case, once again I give a link to the post - everything is painted there in the most detailed way, with all the details, graphs and tablets. By the way, by the way, we with the professional sound engineer Dmitry Ostrovsky killed almost two weeks. Because they did the test of sound on the conscience, using professional sound equipment.

Clockwise: Bluedio A (Air), Bluedio R + and Bluedio T2 Plus

Well, now, in fact, go to the review of Bluedio Vinyl Premium. These headphones are noticeably more expensive than Bluedio R +, Bluedio A (Air) and Bluedio T2 Plus. If the latter cost 3,200, 2,600 and 1,900 rubles, respectively, then 5,500 rubles will have to be paid for Bluedio Vinyl Premium. Although, again, this is a penny compared to the models of market giants (Sony, AKG, Beats, Sennheiser, etc.). As you remember, the grants take a huge mark-up for their megabrends - the mark-up reaches hundreds of percent. For example, “ears” for $ 50 easily sell for $ 500. Yet, 5,500 rubles is quite a lot by the standards of Bluedio.

Where does this price come from, given that Bluedio Vinyl Premium does not have a built-in MP3 player (like R + and T2 Plus), nor NFC (like R +), nor the same flexible twisted headband (like Air)? There are several answers to this question - why this price? Here they are.

Answer number one: design and construction. If all the other Bluedio models I tested were plastic, then Bluedio Vinyl Premium is almost entirely made of light but durable aviation aluminum. To touch the metal such as in the "iPhone". That is a little rough and very pleasant. And yet - yes, it is light: Bluedio Vinyl Premium weighs as much as other Bluedio models, made entirely of plastic. Plastic cups at Bluedio Vinyl Premium are only cup circles, where logos are located. But all the elements of this complex design with arches is aluminum. The main parts of the cups, appearing between the ear cushions and the plastic circles, are also made of volatile metal.

The construction of Bluedio Vinyl Premium is very unusual. Cups are inserted into arcs and can bend down vertically. This is done to ensure that the headphones sit comfortably on the user's head as comfortably as possible. You can draw an analogy with razors "Vest" with floating heads: these same heads go back and forth, repeating the relief of the face when shaving. So the cups walking back and forth also adapt to the relief of the user's head.

Moreover, the arcs are attached to the headband on the hinges and can rotate around its axis. What is it for? First: in this way the headphones can be folded. They become flat and easily fit even in small narrow bags.

The second. Remember that all Bluedio models are headphones for two? That is, we connect the “ears” of Bluedio to the phone, and then to the “ears” of Bluedio with a cable - another headphones. As a result, two people listen to the same track from two pairs of headphones. So, in Bluedio Vinyl Premium, the developers worked even deeper into the themes of “dividing music” and “headphones for two”. We expand one cup 180 degrees, put "ears" on the head. The music goes into the ear of the user, and the second person leans his head against the embouchure turned outside and ... also listens to music.

For example, if you go somewhere with a girl in the adjacent armchairs, you have one for two headphones. She can lean her head against your head - or rather, not your head, but just in front of the cushion.

Torsion Demonstration:

It is worth emphasizing that all this rotating design is exactly rotating, and not dangling. There are no hints of backlash - all the elements sit in their places very precisely. So Bluedio Vinyl Premium gives the impression of high-quality and very thoughtful stuff. It is terrible to imagine how much Beats would take for such complex headphones - 30 thousand or all 40!

Among other design features, I note a cool inclusion lever. It is made in the same way as the switch in the iPhone, which is responsible for activating the "silent" mode.

A small swing is responsible for adjusting the volume and switching tracks.

This, of course, is not as convenient as a full-fledged “keyboard” with five buttons in the same Bluedio R +. But developers can also be understood: in Bluedio Vinyl Premium, a huge emphasis was placed on retro-design, and the scattering of keys would simply spoil it, make it not so authentic. From this point of view, in Bluedio, the task - the task of creating retro-earphones - was mastered. Bluedio Vinyl Premium look like aliens from the beginning of the second half of the twentieth century. Next to them, and see the vinyl player, the old "Cadillacs" and other artifacts of the times of the Caribbean crisis.

Adjusting the length of the headband is also made interesting: there is a “ruler” with numbers on the runners, that is, you definitely cannot go wrong with the choice of length on each side.

Both the headband and the ear cushions are upholstered in so-called eco-leather. It is more pleasant to the touch (and, apparently, more expensive) than the one used in Bluedio R +, Bluedio A (Air) and Bluedio T2 Plus. The ear cushions do not put pressure on the head, plus the ears do not sweat when using Bluedio Vinyl Premium.

In general, the design, construction and materials of Bluedio Vinyl Premium are really premium. Already, in my opinion, this fully justifies the increase in prices from abstract 3 thousand rubles to a full-weight 5 and a half thousand rubles. But there are these headphones and other features!

Zyam's cat was distracted from the process of finding a cat in an apartment where he isn’t (still March is in the yard, and Zyame really, really wants a cat), and also drew attention to these cute lilac headphones

And finally, I note that Bluedio Vinyl Premium can be purple, gray and turquoise. I saw all the options in real life, and the best of all, in my opinion, looks turquoise.

Answer number two: audio part.

To begin with, what I was asked in the comments to previous posts. From the frequency response graph. Here he is:

For those who do not understand graphics, I tell. The headphones have very strong, volume low frequencies. But while this is not to say that the bass clog the rest of the spectrum. Mids are just as deep and rich. Ultrahigh slightly trimmed, but not everyone will hear it. After all, over the years, the human ear becomes insensitive to ultra-high frequencies. Therefore, by the way, children still hear the squeak of bats, and adults no longer.

Speaking in an even simpler language, headphones have a balanced sound with a slight shift to low frequencies. Music and vocals sound naturally, without distortion. These are good headphones for heavy rock, rap, pop music, aggressive “electric” styles and acoustics with lots of cello and percussion parts. Love Apocalyptica? In these headphones just love!

To handle Bluetooth audio, Bluedio Vinyl Premium is equipped with its own sound processor. It is interesting with the built-in equalizer option (similar to the R + and Air models, but with a more powerful, aggressive sound), and thanks to its efforts, there is generally no difference between transmitting sound over the wire and via Bluetooth.

From an unusual headphone price of 5,500 rubles, I will once again note a very high-quality sound insulation. That is, in the plane you will not interfere with the noise of engines. Of course, this is not a hardware “shumodav”, and yet Bluedio Vinyl Premium should be praised for its insulation. I didn’t have a plane near at hand, but I managed to listen to music on these headphones next to a working generator. In my area just cut off the light for a day, and all the shops switched to these generators. (Hello Odessa oblenergo!) I can say this: it is possible to listen to music on Bluedio Vinyl Premium next to such a “scrawl”. Although the generator rumbles, be healthy, stronger than the old Kamaz engine.

Bluedio Vinyl Premium does not contain noise, but ear cushions are made in such a way that they isolate the listener from the sounds of the world around

If the battery sits in the headphones, just listening to music is still real. Like other Bluedio models, Bluedio Vinyl Premium can be connected to a smartphone or player using a cable. In this case, the battery is not used at all, and the ears can also be discharged to zero.

The actual battery life of Bluedio Vinyl Premium when playing music via Bluetooth is approximately 19 hours (at a stated 20 by the manufacturer). This is actually a lot: the majority of wireless headphones costing 5 thousand rubles "sing" no more than 8-10 hours. But 20 hours is the prerogative of models of thousands only for 15-20. However, Bluedio Vinyl Premium is far from the model Bluedio T2 Plus, which at a price of 1,900 rubles can work a record 40 hours. Yes, yes, this is a real world record of autonomy for wireless headphones!

If someone still does not know, the Chinese prefer to pronounce the word Bluedio as “dick” - sorry for my French

Answer number three: Bluetooth implementation. Bluedio Vinyl Premium has a more modern and faster Bluetooth module than other Bluedio headphones. If smartphones find Bluedio R +, Bluedio A (Air) and Bluedio T2 Plus in 5-7 seconds, then Bluedio Vinyl Premium is literally in 2-3 seconds. It is a pity, of course, that there is no NFC, as in the Bluedio R + model for 3,250 rubles, but what can you do!

And in Bluedio Vinyl Premium there is support for the aptX codec, which allows transmitting lossless music (48 kHz / 24 bit) to headphones over Bluetooth without loss of quality. Yes, this requires support aptX also on the side of the smartphone. So you have to get some Samsung Galaxy S7, LG G5 or an audiophile player for a few hundred "green." But it is gratifying that such a chip is in the headphones for more than 5 thousand rubles. Because in the budget "ears" support aptX does not exist in principle - only in models from 15 thousand and more expensive.

Another thing connected with Bluetooth concerns multi-point support. Bluedio Vinyl Premium, like all other models of this company, can work with two wireless devices simultaneously. Say, we listen to music from an audiophile player, and a smartphone is also connected in order not to miss calls. That is, Bluedio headphones can be used in parallel with listening to music on the player and as a telephone headset. (By the way, the microphone in Bluedio Vinyl Premium is much better than that of other Bluedio models, it transmits speech more qualitatively.) So, for understanding: the same Beats (with a price tag of about 20 kilorubles), not to mention the “ears” for 5 thousand rubles, are not on friendly terms with multi-point.

Here, in fact, are the answers to the question “why are more than 5 thousand rubles, and not 2 and a half thousand as for other Bluedio models”. So I will tell about a complete set, about something else and I will round out.

Equipment. I will give it in the form of a list:
• USB-MicroUSB cable for recharging.
• Cable with 3.5mm plugs at both ends. It is required for wired connection to smartphones and players. For example, when the battery is in the headphones.
• Cable with 3.5mm plugs at both ends and a remote control. That is, it is exactly the same as the previous cord, only with the remote control. The latter allows you to switch tracks and adjust the volume with a slider, as well as answer incoming calls. I can not say that the remote is very comfortable. Just to switch songs, there is one button. To go to the next track, you need to click on it twice, and to go back to the previous one - three times. It would be logical to just make two buttons.

• Cable with a 3.5mm jack on one end and two 3.5mm plugs on the other. It is designed to connect headphones to computers and laptops, where the audio input and audio output are separate, that is, in the form of two ryazyam nests. We take this cable, insert the plugs into the sockets, and insert the cord from the second point into the 3.5 mm jack.

Here are all four cables in a row:

• Cable storage bag. Small, black, sewn neatly.

• Very tight headphone carrying case. That's really tight. It has fabric upholstery, but under the fabric are panels of durable plastic. In this case, you can safely carry headphones in a backpack with laptop and other hard objects.

• Carabiner for attaching a case, for example, to a backpack.

• Instructions in English. There is no Russian in it, but it does not cause problems. First, because there is nothing difficult in Bluedio Vinyl Premium in principle. Secondly, because in the instructions everything is perfectly described not only by the text, but also with the help of pictures.

By picking, I can say this: usually with inexpensive Bluetooth-ears, only the manual and cable for charging go. So Bluedio Vinyl Premium beats all competitors from its price segment also by bundling. However, not only Bluedio Vinyl Premium: the same equipment, for example, and Bluedio A (Air) for 2,600 rubles (except for the carbine).

The entire package is packaged in a large beautiful box, made in black and white colors. A box with a dust jacket, magnetic clasps and high-quality cardboard - it is very pleasant to take it in your hands and open it and just look at it - read what is written on it. To receive such a gift is also nice. And when you listen to Bluedio Vinyl Premium after that, it will be even more pleasant.

Where to buy Bluedio in Russia? The only exclusive representative of Bluedio in Russia is the ummall.ru online retailer. All other stores sell either “gray” versions of headphones, or fakes. Well, you remember, Bluedio fake no less than Beats. This is not surprising: the level of recognition and popularity of Bluedio in China is comparable to the popularity of Beats in the United States.

An important point: if the same official Xiaomi smartphones in Russia are one and a half to two times more expensive than on AliExpress, then Bluedio headphones on ummall.ru are sold at exactly the same price as on AliExpress. That is, the price tags in Russia are the same as in popular Chinese online stores.

The purchase of Bluedio headphones from the official Russian representative at ummall.ru has several other advantages:
- Zero risk to get counterfeit instead of real Bluedio.
- The speed of delivery of headphones from ummall.ru - 3-7 days across Russia instead of 14-60 days when ordering on AliExpress or in any Chinese online store. 3-4 days - to Moscow, St. Petersburg and major cities of the central part of the country.
- Russian-language technical support by mail / phone.
- Official warranty of 6 months. Headphones with AliExpress have no guarantee at all.


From the entire current line of headphones Bluedio model Bluedio Vinyl Premium seems to me the most interesting and noteworthy. There is a really cool sound quality, and expressive retro design (I like the singer Lana Del Rey, and these “ears” perfectly match her style), and an unusual design with “floating” cups, and cool sound insulation, and aptX for listening to lossless tracks via Bluetooth, and aviation aluminum in the case. In a word, really a pound of raisins.

Ziame no longer need a cat! She has Bluedio Vinyl Premium

And also the standard pluses of all Bluedio headphones. Namely: the ability to share music (“headphones for two”), long autonomy (19 hours!), Wide equipment with all the necessary cables.

In general, the product turned out just great - without any exaggeration. It would cost 10 thousand rubles - and I could still recommend it for purchase. But it costs 5,570 rubles, and for this money Bluedio Vinyl Premium is generally an extremely hot option.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/402413/

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