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After the patch. Part 1

In the contaminated building only one person survived. Professional gamer who claims to be stuck in the game. Is he telling the truth, or is this bloodthirsty monster hidden under this guise? The hunter following on his trail has little time left to answer this question.



A large black electric car, like a beast of prey, quickly and silently sneaks through the streets of San Francisco. Reflections of skyscrapers with countless luminous windows spread out on its glossy body and tinted glass.

Young thin man in the back seat noticeably nervous. He wears a well-fitting dark blue, almost black jumpsuit with large pockets on his knees and a spacious synthetic jacket of the same color. With trembling hands, he for the hundredth time rechecks the ingenious equipment, laid out side by side on a chair. The driver's seat is a broad-shouldered, sinewy, tall middle-aged man. His black woolen coat with leather inserts on the sleeves contrasts sharply with the white upholstery of the cabin. The strong-willed face of this person gives out inflexible character. Driver's name is Kain Reicher. He, unlike the passenger, calm and calm.

The car rides on autopilot. Kayne looks pensively at the peaceful landscape of the evening city floating past the window.

- Bill, are you bothered to mess around there? He finally asks.

- I want to check the brain activity scanner again. He is messing up.

Kayn returns to his gloomy thoughts. This is the fourth call in a month. Police found a botnet in a slum on the outskirts of the city. According to preliminary information, the whole building was sealed in quarantine. Virus infections are becoming more widespread. But is it any wonder in the light of recent events?

The Nabla corporation, for which Kayn works, has been leading in the information security market for twenty years. Her business began with anti-virus solutions for personal and mobile devices. But progress does not stand still - time and technology jump forward wildly. To survive in this race, you must always be one step ahead of the intruders. Soon, protection from viruses was needed by cars, smart things, and eventually by the people themselves.

Today, the programs work literally on everything - from the electric shaver to the brain implant. A person finally and irrevocably entrusted his life to the machine by connecting to it through a neural interface. When exactly did he decide on such a crazy step? No one noticed this. But one day, people sobered away from the euphoria of widespread automation. It became clear that the programs are killing.

Modern systems are becoming more complex with each new version, but artificial intelligence modules have become a real reason for despair. In the middle of the 21st century, it is considered good form if an ordinary tea pot can have a casual conversation about the weather with your guests. If it was difficult to diagnose a bustling program earlier, today the situation has worsened many times. Machines have learned to lie to their creators for only one known reason. The worst thing is that these sneaky programs become loopholes for hackers.

“It's good that I'm not a programmer,” thought Kayn and threw a sympathetic look in the rearview mirror at his companion. Unlike Bill, Cain is a hunter. Therefore, the algorithm of his work is extremely simple: to detect the target and neutralize. Very rarely, he receives an order to seize the object alive for study in the laboratories of the corporation, because the risk of infection is too great.

The hunter touches his forehead-implant with a slight movement of his hand and plunges into augmented reality. The world around is plunged into bright, saturated colors. Outside the window there are red tags with descriptions of restaurants and cafes scattered along the road. The appearance of pedestrians is transformed as if by a wave of a magic wand. Children have a flashy colored cheap virtual costumes from their favorite computer games and comics. Adults prefer painted clothes from famous brands. And the more it looks like a real one, the better and more expensive is the virtual model. What is the point of buying a real shirt from Armani, if for the same money you can buy a whole wardrobe? Of course, it will be possible to see it only in augmented reality, but in fact it is there that the whole modern life flows.

Kayn looks at the rearview mirror. It is just suitable for broadcast video. It is a pity that the human brain still needs such auxiliary trifles. Augmented reality adapts to surrounding objects to reduce stress and dissonance in the minds of users.

A picture appears in the mirror - a news program. There is a report from the scene. It seems that it is just about today's story with a botnet:

“Behind my back, you see an infected building,” says the reporter with a frightened face. - While the police are not taking any action. Everyone is waiting for the arrival of specialists from the Nabla corporation.

Good advertisement. I wonder how much the board of directors paid CNN for it?

Somewhere behind the reporter’s back in the darkness, shooting and screams are heard. Amid the din and shouts, Kayn heard what all the other viewers had missed - an inhuman, bestial roar. The face in the mirror was contorted with a grimace of horror. The picture jumped, everything mixed up in a wild carousel of colors.

Kayn closed the news site and the mirror took on its usual look.

“Well, recruit, are you ready?” - he asks.

“Yes, Commander,” he replies with mock cheerfulness.

This is the first operational departure from the poor fellow. It may well be that he will be the last. I wonder if Bill knows what's waiting for him? Surely guesses - his hands and go shake. Why did only the boss forced to take this techie on a mission? Does the leadership fear an epidemic? Quite possible. After all, a sample of the new virus has so far not been obtained. Three departures, each with the same dismal result: corpses among civilians and the police. This time we will analyze the virus on site. Cain again carefully looks in the mirror at Bill. “The guy is still very young,” the hunter thinks sadly.


Dave is sneaking through the thick tropical forests. The wide leaves of lush growing palm trees and ferns above the head securely cover it from the mercilessly scorching sun. But the stuffiness in the wet shade still exhausts. Innumerable swarms of insects buzz around incessantly. A snake creeps from under his feet with a hiss, glittering like a shiny ribbon. Loose, wet earth gently subsides under each step. The heavy smell of dampness, greenery and decay takes breath away.

There is a qualifying round of the game, which will determine the participants in the international tournament. “We just have to win,” Dave says to himself. A whole year of grueling workouts left behind. The time has come to show all your skills.

On the bamboo trunk right in front of Dave's nose, the shadows from the leaves clearly form the text: “Ambush in the south. Help is needed!". This is a message from a party member.

Dave takes off and rushes to the rescue. His soft wolf paws silently walk on the ground. The werewolf character was just made to fight in the forest, so Dave chose him this time. Sensitive scent of the beast catches the smell of sweat and leather shoes. Most recently, people have passed here.

Ahead the way is blocked by high thickets of sugarcane. Because of them, a terrible creaking and hissing is heard. A sharp cry, the roar of a shot - all sounds suddenly break off. Dave rushes into the thicket. He was in the middle of a small trampled space. Broken reeds and traces of blood everywhere - a wild fight has barely subsided here. A stone’s throw away from a werewolf is a huge adult spider. It was a trapped ally. He gives no sign of life. Dave examines his wounds: two bullets hit him in the belly, and his paws are smashed with something sharp, like an ax. Next to the body, Dave notices human footprints that lead back to the forest.

Not having time to fully see the prints of the soles, the player draws attention to the bright, fast crawling caterpillars on the ground. They gather in groups and take the form of the words: “Go away immediately. Meeting at the creek. This is written by John - the captain of the team. When he orders something, it should be done without hesitation. Dave runs headlong in the opposite direction from the line of tracks leaving to the right. Somewhere behind him there is the crackling of the thickets and the tramp of savvy boots - this is the chase.

Dave dodges like a hare between trees, trying to confuse his pursuers. But he can not tear himself away. Quickly assessing the situation, the player goes straight to the stream. John is waiting for him there and probably assumes about the pursuit. The furious run abruptly ends in a small clearing, in the middle of which a small stream murmurs. As soon as Dave jumped out into the open, the tramp behind him immediately broke off. The enemy felt the trick and now cautious. The player looks around - John is not visible nearby.

On a wet stone under your feet in the rays of the midday sun, one word sparkles and immediately goes out: “wait.” Dave stops, all turning to the ear. His sharpened senses distinguish smells and rustles of approaching people.

On three sides, surrounding the werewolf, opponents emerge from the thickets. Dave grabs one glance to figure out who he is dealing with - these are evil hunters. Their leader is a sinewy, tall inquisitor in a black fitting suit, wide-brimmed hat and a long cloak behind his back. In one hand, he squeezes a flint pistol, the barrel of which is aimed at Dave in the chest. In the other hand - a long rapier. The second opponent is the killer. Red-haired slim woman with wild blue eyes. In her hands two huge curved daggers gleam predatoryly. The chest of the warrior crosses the leather straps crosswise, from which the arms of the throwing knives stick out. “She is the most dangerous opponent,” Dave decides to himself. The last enemy looks a bit ridiculous - this is a young, awkward nun in a long brown sex cassock with a volume under her arm. He is a support hero who alone can heal and bless his team.

Trinity cautiously approaching the werewolf. The entire team of the enemy assembly. Dave does not take his eyes off the killer - this hero is known for his ability to sneak up from behind and strike outright.

Suddenly, the sky is clouded by terrible blue-gray clouds, instantly hiding under a brightly burning sun. A rustling ominous whisper rustled over the glade. Opponents rose, rooted to the spot. Inquisitor's bushy eyebrows fly over their hooked nose in surprise. The whisper is getting louder and clearer every second. It seems that he is heard immediately from everywhere. The enemies quivered and leaned back. Too late!

Near Dave, as if from nowhere, there arises a tall, skinny figure in spacious black robes. John arrived just in time. In his hands, he squeezes a staff of dark wood with a shiny silver knob in the form of a skewing cat head. Necromancer waving his weapon, shouting a word. Shadows are cast on the enemy team from all sides. The clawed paws of ghosts dig into the bodies of hunters, making it difficult for them to move. Dave, without losing a minute, rushes to his first victim. His huge fangs are closed on the thin neck of the killer. The sweet taste of blood in your mouth makes you drunk. The werewolf releases the prey, and the body of the woman limply lands on the ground.

A shot rattles — a bullet pierces Dave’s shoulder, a wounded arm hangs limply like a whip. He roars in pain and turns around to the inquisitor. He, ignoring the enemy, reloads the gun. The movements of the hunter are slow, as if he was under water. But the effect of the spell is about to end.

On the way werewolf there is a monk. Around him - a subtle yellowish glow, driving away disembodied ghosts. The youngster was not so simple. He waves his hands, and the words of a prayer break from his lips. A flash of bright light instantly blinds Dave. He rolls back. But his attention immediately switches to smells. The irritating aroma of incense tells him where the target is. The werewolf jumps forward and blows his paw to sweep the figure in the cassock. The body of a monk with a open stomach flies to the side.

The next moment all the shadows disappear, and the vision returns to Dave. The Inquisitor is finally free from invisible fetters. His pistol is ready for battle, but instead of launching it, he turns around and rushes off into the thick undergrowth. Werewolf runs after him. The smell of sweat and fear gives every step a fugitive. Mad race with jumping through the bushes and diving under the hanging lianas lasts only a couple of minutes. Dave breaks through the fern thickets and suddenly bumps into the barrel of a gun. Bah! From the pierced neck, the werewolf gushes a fountain of blood, coloring red around the lush greenery. Dave gasps for breath, but his strength leaves him. He falls to the ground, and the last thing that captured his glassy eyes is the black cloak of the hunter that is removed into the thicket.

Killed players become observers. Dave invisible soars over the jungle. Now everything that happens takes place in front of him, in full view. Here the inquisitor is reloading the gun on the go. A little to the north of this place is visible glade with a stream, where John so skillfully arranged an ambush. He is still there, ending his next spell. Dave manages to see some gray silhouettes wandering out through the thicket. Having considered them more attentively, he understands the idea of ​​a friend. John revived just killed opponents and forced them to fight on his side. Now the murderer and the monk are obedient puppets in the hands of the black sorcerer.

The inquisitor suddenly froze. He clearly hears the zombies approaching him from the north. But what he missed is the necromancer's easy tread that comes to him from the east.

The hunter sneaks up to meet his former comrades. First he comes across a killer. She rushes at the inquisitor with a low roar. The shot knocks the zombie to the ground, but he does not think to die. The dead man twitches, trying to get back on his feet. The hunter jumps up to him and with a swing beats his sword in the heart.

In the next instant, the inquisitor turns his face to the second zombie. What is John up to? Does he really hope that the dead themselves will overcome such a formidable opponent?

The hunter takes the fighting stance, putting a rapier in front of him. At this moment a necromancer appears behind his back. He cries out the word-spell, and the sword flies out of the hands of the enemy. The inquisitor leaned behind her. The dead monk immediately jumps at him. Zombie fingers are closed around the neck of a former ally. Dave is pleased to hear the crunch of broken vertebrae.

The game ends. All participants come out of augmented reality.

- John is just great! - Dave exclaims, - How he finished it!

Around the cold, dark room. The only window is curtained with thick curtains. Suddenly Dave hears some rustling in the corner. He peers intensely there and with horror discerns the werewolf's burning red eyes. The beast, which he had just been himself, somehow ended up in his apartment for real! A threatening wolf grows.

Dave breaks down from the chair and a lightning flies up to the light switch. The button clicks and ... the bright tropical sun blinds the eyes. The player covers his face with his hand from his merciless rays. Hardly getting used to the light, Dave looks around. It is surrounded by lush jungle. Rustles, smells, gusts of a light breeze - everything suggests that he was again in the game. In a game that does not want to let him go.


A black electric car gently stops near the shabby high-rise apartment building cordoned off by the police. Flashing lights flashing everywhere. Rays of two powerful searchlights glide along the walls of the besieged building. The yellow-black tapes with signs of biological danger stretched here and there frighten away pedestrians. Everywhere, police are uneasily scurrying around with weapons in their hands. A excitedly making reporter group stands at a safe distance from the building.

Kain leisurely checks his smart gun. This reliable weapon has never failed. In his hands is a modified version of the standard military model with an increased caliber and improved firmware. The gun helps the shooter to hit exactly the vital organs of the target. One has only to pull the trigger and keep the goal on the front sight. The program itself will choose the right moment to open fire. The user identification indicator on the handle turns green in a friendly way.

The fuss behind the car window does not bother the hunter at all. He knows exactly what should be done first. Cain hides a weapon in a holster, enters augmented reality and slowly gets out of the car. Bill takes a long time to pack the equipment in a large black backpack, and goes after him.

The hunter stops in front of the reporters. Having seen the stripe on his sleeve, the journalists, one and all, move back in fear. Kain carefully scans one by one the faces of each of them. “No, these are unlikely,” the hunter decides to himself. Now it's up to the police. Cain easily finds the commander of the operation at the mobile communications center.

“Captain Clark,” the overweight cop looks like to him, resembling a clumsy bear in his appearance.

Kayn shows his hunter’s license with a holographic tab with his usual gesture. Clark's face goes pale.

“Build your people, captain,” Kayn commands.

- Everyone?

- Only those who had contact.

Five minutes later, Kain meticulously examines a perfectly flat line of police fighters. He is a hunter, and his profession is to destroy the infected. But to distinguish a healthy person from catching the virus is not so easy. Externally, there are no differences. The patient can successfully go to work in the morning, and in the evening to take their children from kindergarten. The only difference is that everyone who came in contact with him is also likely to become a victim. The incubation period of the virus can last long enough. Until one morning, instead of your beloved husband, a bloodthirsty monster wakes up with you in bed. Monster, submitting only to its owner.

The police in the ranks noticeably nervous. The face of one of them seems slightly blurry. As if it is surrounded by a faint luminous haze. Kain quickly approaches him and carefully looks into his eyes. In them he discerns the horror of a beast driven into a corner. This guy probably feels that he's going wrong. A hunter is different from an ordinary person by inserting his brain implant. Kayn is able to see the symptoms of an infection, while others are unable to. His virtual assistant scans the target and, after analyzing every little thing in its appearance, makes a decision. Then the hunter can only rely on his instinct. The program only prompts, but the person always pulls the trigger.

Without saying a word, Kayn sharply throws up the gun and shoots the policeman head-on at close range. Only now comes to the rest, what happens here in reality. They rush in all directions. The captain is tearing down his throat, ordering everyone to return to the line. Out of nowhere in his hands is a gun.

“Enough,” Kayne interrupts. “This one was the only one.”

The captain calms down a bit. But he still does not feel at ease from the scene of the cruel shooting and from his unexpected role in him.

“Call the fire brigade,” the hunter commands. “We go inside.”

- You are joking? Going together there?

On the captain's face, surprise slowly gives way to relief. After all, he and his children will not have to go to this hell. At the site of infection, the command always passes to the licensed hunter. His orders must be carried out implicitly including the police. If Cain had given the command, all the police would have rushed to the assault.

Without answering, the hunter confidently walks toward the main entrance to the building. Behind him quickly mince Bill, shocked by the incident. Noticing how the employees of Nabla are heading in, the reporters raise a loud din. “They are obviously thirsting for blood and sensation,” Kayn grins to himself.

“Why kill an infected cop?” - asks Bill, - Could we not detain him to study a sample of the virus?

- Police are at risk. Who knows where this guy caught the infection? It will be safer to take a sample inside.

“Why isn’t the capture group going with us?” - Bill glances at the people left behind.

“Then we would have to shoot her too,” Kayn says, “The virus spreads quickly.” Without a corporate defensive program like ours, ”he tapped his metal plate on his forehead,“ they will become easy prey.

“Doesn't every policeman have it?” After all, their work ...

“No,” Kayne interrupts, “They only have the standard firmware from Meindsoft.”

Damn monopolists! Dead cop on their conscience. At the beginning of this month, the Nabla program stopped running on users, and millions of people suddenly found themselves defenseless. And all this is because the Mindsoffs corporation decided to squeeze Nablu out of the cybersecurity market. Their own antivirus system is extremely weak, but they supply firmware for brain implants and therefore dictate their own rules of the game.

An autumn restless night falls on the city. A gusting wind howls, whipping up scraps of newspapers from the sidewalks and rustling plastic bags. Shattered glass shards crackle under Kain's army boots. He carefully examines the towering in front of a huge house. As it is not similar to the neighboring buildings. Even now, when the residents were evacuated from them, these buildings look residential. The windows are lit from the inside, and this suggests that life is still glittering somewhere. The infected house keeps a sullen silence. He is dead and cold. There are no more people inside. Dark windows ominously watching the approaching hunter. No sound comes from them. As if a huge predator lurked and waits for a careless prey.

- Are you in reality? Kayn asks.

- Of course, I never leave it, - the partner answers.

What kind of youth has gone now? Always being in touch is their motto. However, to communicate with someone outside of reality today is considered bad form. Kayn prefers to see the world as it is - without embellishment, lurid colors and unnecessary fuss. The only pity is that the work requires him to constantly be present in this new wondrous world.

“I am broadcasting a picture,” says the hunter. “It is very important that you see everything that happens with my eyes.” Otherwise you will not be able to distinguish the infected.

"Inside the building, it could cost you your life," Kayn concluded to himself.

They enter. Dirty dark entrance meets them with the smell of dried blood. Under their feet lie two backs up. Kain leans over and examines the bodies. No doubt both are dead. All objects that are disconnected from reality are painted gray. Kayne turns one of the corpses with a toe. Nothing interesting: a typical city man in the street with neat bullet holes in an oily chest. To determine whether he was a carrier of the virus is no longer possible.

Kayne steps over the corpses and walks cautiously to the stairs. Apparently, all building systems are disconnected: not a single light bulb is illuminated anywhere, ventilation is silent.

“Can you bring back the light?” Kayn asks.

Bill digs into the pocket of his jumpsuit and pulls out a universal portable lock pick. This small electronic device looks like an old mobile phone with a touch screen. , . .

— , — , — .

. . .

— ?


— , — , .

— ?

- Yes.

. . , , , - . ? , . — , .

. . . , . ---. , . . . . . , - . — . !

. . . , ? .


— , — -, — .

. . . - . - . .

— , , — , — ?

, , . . , . : , — , , , , . .

— ! — .

: . . , . .

— ! — .

. . , . .

- — . . — . 11092001. ! . , . , .

. . , . , . .

— , ? — .

— , — , . , — ?

- I do not know.

. ? . , — , . , , , . , . .

— . , — .

, , - . , — . , , . , .


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/402395/

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