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What gives the "genetics of microbiota"

Atlas went on sabbatical and returned to the air with a story about a new test. “Microbiota genetics” - analysis of intestinal bacteria, which we have already tested together with crowdfunding participants last year.

After the launch, we seriously refined the test: rewrote the articles, clarified the recommendations on nutrition and supplemented the report. The results of the microbiota study are now integrated with the genetic test: Atlas users receive a consolidated health report and nutritional recommendations that take into account the data from the two tests.
In March, the test "Genetics microbiota" launched on sale. This is the first microbiota analysis that is available in the Russian Federation to ordinary users. Today we will tell you what is included in the updated test, and how it can be useful to an ordinary person.

Microbiota Genetics Test Kit

Each customer receives an analysis kit with everything necessary: ​​an airtight container with a preservative solution, paper lining on the toilet, a spatula. The container allows you to store the biomaterial at room temperature, so it is not necessary to keep it in the refrigerator.

The test can be ordered online: the courier will bring the test kit, then he will pick up the container and deliver the biomaterial to the laboratory. After 6 weeks, the results will be uploaded to the user's personal account.

Research methods

Microbiota analysis is the same genetic test, only this time the focus of attention is not on human DNA, but on hundreds of bacterial species. In the laboratory, scientists isolate DNA and read the 16S rRNA gene. The sequence of letters, nucleotides in this gene determines the type of bacteria.

Then, the representation of each type of bacteria is calculated. Modern research confirms that many potentially pathogenic microbes are dangerous not by themselves, but only when their numbers disturb the balance of the entire bacterial ecosystem. Therefore, the test "Genetics of microbiota" not only determines the type of bacteria, but also calculates their share.

Data on the composition of the user's microbiota are compared with the results of scientific research. Thanks to the efforts of scientists, doctors and bioinformatists from all over the world, now we have at our disposal more than 20 thousand articles. They describe the role of known species of bacteria, their relationship with nutrition and the impact on human health.

User account

The main page in your account is microbiota quality. This is the final assessment of the balance of the composition of bacteria. It takes into account four signs: your level of protection from disease, the diversity of microbiota, the ability of microbes to synthesize vitamins and transform fiber into butyric acid.

In addition to assessing the quality of microbiota, the user receives recommendations on nutrition and a complete list of detected bacteria (in the initial data). The dessert section is the Citizenship section, where it is shown what your microbiota looks more like: the composition of the bacteria of the Indians of Amazonia or the inhabitants of China.

Bacteria and disease resistance

In patients with the same disease, the microbiota is often similar in composition. For example, some types of bacteria are characteristically reduced in people with type 2 diabetes, compared with their level in healthy people. If the ratio of bacteria is balanced, the risk of the disease does not increase.

The test algorithm compares the composition of the user's microbiota with typical indicators for the microbiota in five diseases:
  • Atherosclerosis,
  • Type 2 diabetes,
  • Crohn's disease,
  • Ulcerative colitis,
  • Obesity.

The test results evaluate the contribution that intestinal bacteria make to protection against these diseases. The smaller the bacterial profile of the user is similar to the portrait of the microbiota with the disease, the higher the security. A strong deviation from the norm helps to see the signs of the disease at an early stage and start prevention and treatment in time.

Dietary fiber and butyric acid

Dietary fiber - fiber and other substances - complex carbohydrates that the human body can not digest. This involved some types of bacteria. They break down complex carbohydrates into simpler ones and synthesize short-chain fatty acids (FFA) from them.

Bacteria produce several types of fatty acids - mainly butyric, propionic and acetic acid. Butyric acid nourishes the intestinal wall and protects them from inflammation. If it is produced in insufficient quantities, then the risk of intestinal inflammation, type 2 diabetes and obesity may increase. For the body to get enough butyric acid, you need to eat a lot of food with dietary fiber.

Synthesis of vitamins

Our body does not synthesize all the vitamins, some of them come from food and are produced by microbiota. Bacteria are able to synthesize vitamins of group B and K, which enter the human body through the intestinal walls. These vitamins are needed for normal functioning of the nervous system and brain, the functioning of muscles and skin, DNA copying and other processes.

A low proportion of certain types of bacteria indicates a possible vitamin deficiency. The test “Genetics of microbiota” calculates the number of bacteria — producers of vitamins. If their number is not enough, the algorithm determines the list of products that will help maintain the number of these microbes at a normal level.

A variety of microbiota

Intestinal bacteria are interconnected: friendly species live side by side that perform similar work. If one type of bacteria disappears for some reason, its function will be picked up by another.

But such a rule of mutual help of bacteria works only in conditions of high diversity of microbiota. The more species of bacteria live in the intestine, the more resistant the system is to the effects of negative factors, for example, immunosuppression or metabolic disorders. To maintain a variety of microbiota, you need to alternate food and change the diet.

"Citizenship" microbiota

In addition to useful data on health, the study also includes entertaining information - analysis of the “citizenship” of the microbiota. The test evaluates the composition of the user's bacteria and compares it with the description of the microbiota of six regions - Malawi, Amazonia, Denmark, the USA, Russia and China.

Each region has its own eating habits, which determine the type of microbiota. The inhabitants of the Amazon in the diet will prevail plant fibers, and the Americans - fast food and animal fats. Nutrition habits affect the microbiota profile.

Nutrition Tips

Bacteria have their own food preferences. Bacteria — generalists can eat everything, and bacteria — specialists are more finicky and choose only certain types of dietary fiber. If the right foods are not in your diet, these bacteria will start to “starve”, and eventually their numbers will decrease. Human nutrition affects the composition of intestinal bacteria.

According to the test results, each user receives a list of recommended products. They are selected by a special algorithm that uses the results of scientific research on the relationship between nutrition and microbiota composition. The recommendations take into account which bacteria are not enough to maintain immunity, the synthesis of vitamins and butyric acid. Regular consumption of products from the recommended list provides targeted assistance to weakening bacteria.

Microbiota need time to respond to changes in diet. To test the effect of changing the diet and update the recommendations, we recommend conducting a control test of microbiota every three months. The data of all tests are stored in your account. You will be able to follow the changes in the microbiota and consciously control the food.

The test “Genetics of microbiota” will not replace stool analysis for occult blood and consult a gastroenterologist or endocrinologist. He needs healthy people who want to eat right and prevent disease in advance. If you are ready to pay attention to your bacteria, which truly protect your body, order a microbiota study on the Atlas website. A 10% discount on the GEEKSBIOME promotional code is valid until March 31.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/402373/

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