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Stanford opened programming tutorials and AI

Stanford University has laid out in open access under the Creative Commons license the content of ten training courses on programming, artificial intelligence, linear systems and optimization. Teachers and students from all over the world can take advantage of these unique materials.

Each course contains videotapes of lectures, full texts and abstracts, as well as practical exercises and examination tickets. The materials almost completely coincide with the program for which full-time students at Stanford are studying. To download materials, no registration or special request is required. They are simply uploaded to open access in ZIP archives of about 300 MB each, and the videos are still duplicated on YouTube.

Introduction to Computer Science
Programming Methodology - CS106A
Abstract Concepts in Programming - CS106B
Programming Paradigms - CS107
Artificial Intelligence
Introduction to Robotics - CS223A
Natural Language Processing - CS224N
Machine Learning - CS229

Linear systems and optimization
Fourier transform and its application - EE261
Introduction to linear dynamic systems - EE263
Convex optimization I - EE364A
Convex optimization II - EE364B

The Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license allows any modification of materials, but requires a link to the original and permits to publish a derivative product only under the same license. It is also forbidden to use it for commercial purposes (that is, to take money for training on these courses, for example).

via Device Guru

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/40236/

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