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Russian schools were allowed to jam the signal of cellular networks during the Unified State Exam

During the March 10 meeting of the State Commission for Radio Frequencies (SCRF) at the Ministry of Communications, the schools were allowed to use the equipment to jam the cellular network signal during the Unified State Exam, Vedomosti reports with reference to three interviewees present at the meeting.

According to the recommendations of Rosobrnadzor, the Unified State Examination points and previously could be equipped with cellular signal suppression systems, however, the decision to install them was made at the level of local authorities. Now the agency plans to bring the practice of using signal suppression systems to the federal level and implement it everywhere.

Roskomnadzor supported Rosobrnadzor, although earlier there was a struggle between departments on the basis of using jamming systems. Thus, the RKN advocated compulsory approval of the use of such technical means by the State Commission for Radio Frequencies, criticizing the methodological recommendations of Rosobnadzor, which previously allowed the regions to independently decide on the suppression of the cellular signal. Roskomnadzor explained his position by saying that only the approval of the SCRF would make the use of the “jammers” completely legal and legal.
Mobile operators are expected to oppose such an initiative. The main problem of cellular signal suppression systems is the accuracy of their calibration. It is likely that during the Unified State Exam, subscribers located in the nearby territory and in residential buildings near educational institutions will suffer. In addition, the complete jamming of the cellular signal makes it possible to call rescue services and police only through stationary communication points.

“It would be right to test such equipment in order to understand whether it does not interfere with the operation of networks,” said one of the interviewees of Vedomosti.

Neither the Rosobrnadzor nor the State Radio Frequency Commission specified which equipment will be used in schools, which does not allow operators to prepare for potential problems with coverage. Do not forget that schools are massive objects, which in large cities can meet up to 3-4 or more units per quarter.

State procurement of equipment for jamming cellular signal was carried out in 2015 in Chuvashia. A total of 105 devices were purchased for a total of 8.7 million rubles, or about 82 thousand rubles per unit. Usually the cost of one point is from 45 to 55 thousand rubles.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/402343/

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