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Marisa Mayer resigns as head of Yahoo! with severance pay of $ 23 million


Marisa Mayer will not lead Altaba Inc and will leave Yahoo! after closing a deal with Verizon, according to the company's official website. A clear reason for the dismissal of the top manager is not announced: Meier could leave the company either voluntarily or be dismissed by the board of directors.

Marisa will receive a substantial severance pay of $ 23 million. This amount was negotiated at earlier stages of the sale of Verizon as insurance for a top manager in case her services are no longer required. The current financial director of Yahoo! Ken Goldman will also leave his post after selling the company.

The post Mayer at Altaba Inc will take one of the five remaining members of the board of directors - Thomas McInerney, former IAC financial director. Goldman will be replaced by Alexi Wellman, who is now the global manager of Yahoo.
There are several reasons for leaving Mayer. Even at the time of her joining the company in the position of CEO, Marisa was regarded as an anti-crisis manager who would not allow Yahoo! finally "drown." Some experts expressed the opinion that the main task of the new CEO is to prepare the company for sale at the best possible price.

In 2016, Mayer, despite all the efforts, was deprived of an annual bonus of $ 2 million. The reason for this was a partial failure in negotiations with Verizon due to the Yahoo! with the subsequent leakage of data users of company services.

Negligence in investigating the causes of the incident cost the owners of Yahoo! $ 350 million - the total amount of the transaction amounted to $ 4.48 billion instead of the previously planned $ 4.83 billion

There is a possibility that Marisa Mayer will remain in the unsold part of Yahoo !, but no longer in the position of CEO.

The amount for which Verizon buys Yahoo! greatly underestimated. The current market value of Yahoo! estimated at almost $ 38 billion, but the company is in a protracted crisis and losing money from year to year. The only major acquisition of Yahoo! there was a stake in Alibaba, which was already partially sold several years ago.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/402339/

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