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Overview of compact Linux distributions for system administrators

The article " A comparative look at compact sysadmin distributions " provides an overview of compact (210Mb mini CD) LiveCD / LiveUSB Linux distributions for system administrators:

SliTaz - takes only 25Mb and runs on systems with 128Mb of RAM, with a graphical user interface based on JWM. Supports CD and USB boot. Distribution orientation is a compact desktop system. From programs that can be useful for system recovery, there is GParted, you can separately download packages from TestDisk (disk partition recovery) and PhotoRec (file recovery);

Parted Magic - the distribution is based on Linux From Scratch (LFS), the installation image takes 45MB, it can work on systems with 300MB of RAM. Supports CD, USB and PXE boot. GUI interface based en Xfce. From the programs in the kit you can note: GParted, TestDisk, PhotoRec, Partition Image, Xarchive, Xfburn, ISO Master, Leafpad, Firefox, Grsync. From the command line utilities there are dd, ddrescue, cfdisk, fdisk, tcpdump. There is support for restoring file systems ext2, ext3, ext4, FAT16, FAT32, HFS, HFS +, JFS, NTFS, ReiserFS, Reiser4, XFS.

GParted - the distribution is based on the Debian Linux team of gparted developers. The size of the installation image is 90 MB, it can work on hardware with 64 MB of RAM, but it is recommended to have 128 MB of memory. Supports CD, USB and PXE boot. The graphical interface is based on Fluxbox. From the programs you can note: GParted, Partition Image, TestDisk, PhotoRec, Vim, Midnight Commander. The limitation of the GParted Live distribution is minimal network support, there is no browser included, no utilities like ping and netstat. There is support for restoring file systems ext2, ext3, ext4, FAT16, FAT32, HFS, HFS +, JFS, NTFS, ReiserFS, Reiser4, XFS.

RIPLinuX (Recovery Is Possible Linux) - distribution based on Slackware Linux. The installation image is 85 MB, 256 MB of RAM is required for operation. The desktop interface is built on the basis of Fluxbox and is ascetic, but the number of useful utilities in the package surpasses the previously considered distributions. It even has an XMMS audio player, Xine video player, RDesktop and QEMU emulator, not to mention Firefox, Links, Xfburn, Xarchiver, ISO Master, text editors Beaver, gVim and Leafpad, file managers PCManFM, EmelFM and GNU Midnight Commander. In the distribution kit you can find a wide range of utilities for testing the operation of wired and wireless networks, programs for working with disk (GParted, TestDisk, PhotoRec, Partition Image, G4L, EVMS (Enterprise Volume Management System). There is support for restoring ext2, ext3 file systems , FAT16, FAT32, HFS, HFS +, JFS, NTFS, ReiserFS, Reiser4, XFS.

Finnix - LiveCD distribution, designed to help system administrators in solving problems such as system recovery and network monitoring. The distribution is based on Debian testing and the Linux 2.6 kernel. Finnix includes file system and partition tools, as well as data recovery, installation of other operating systems, and boot record recovery. Finnix runs on x86 / AMD64 and PowerPC systems. The latest version 92.0 fixed the Debian SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) vulnerability present in previous versions. A nice feature of the distribution is its small size. With SquashFS, the entire distribution of 300 MB is compressed to a volume of just over 100 MB. However, despite this, Finnix includes the latest technologies and applications for system administrators, including Logical Volume Manager 2 (LVM2), partition encryption, and support for multiple file systems.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/40231/

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