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Strange situation happens

A strange situation occurs.

Maybe the brave people will help you figure it out!?

- A friend bought an expensive car and asked not to tell anyone that in a week she would have it. At the same time, a week later, everyone washed her.
- A son was born from friends - they were not shown to anyone for almost a month - they were afraid of the evil eye, although a month later he began his N years before everyone’s eyes.

- Friends bought an apartment and did not tell anyone to anyone “secretly” about it to their friends. Housewarming is celebrating soon. Officially and all together.

- Friends decided to get married and talk about it only when “we get married tomorrow”. It feels like everyone really wanted to go to the wedding, but they wouldn’t be upset that they didn’t invite me, because she’s already tomorrow.

- Friends completed an excellent repair in the apartment and to the question: "How much did this repair take?" Answer "Very expensive." And they are meaningfully silent. When you finish the repair, they ask you the same question and having received in return the amount, they immediately say how much the repair poured out to them.

We became afraid to share the joy with loved ones, with friends?
But when the problems - wanting to cry all!

Bravely, what's going on?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/40230/

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