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Dynamic logo

Recently, Troika Dialog has introduced a new logo.
The graphic part of the logo consists of lines and triangles and exists exclusively in dynamics (the flash could not be inserted, here's the video

or you can take a look at the site ).

On the website, in presentations and everywhere on the web, the logo will be displayed in 3D, there will be special versions for printing that will be adapted to the environment each time.

Excerpts from the description of the new logo :
Connecting lines are an illustration of multi-level and multipolar interactions, processes and communications between people.

The 3 colored triangles represent the solutions that we offer to our customers - whether they are Investment Banking & Global Markets clients (blue), Private Banking clients (green), Personal Investments clients (red).

The word "Dialogue" we took a special place - a mathematical degree: "Troika" to the degree of "Dialogue."

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/40225/

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