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Weborama GTA3 Mod

It's time to introduce you to another idea implemented by us (TBMS), in the framework of the Veborama project and in the best traditions of our team. This is an integration into the popular and well-loved game GTAIII. Once at a team meeting, we discussed the forthcoming release of the continuation of this blockbuster GTAIV and someone said: “Do you know that there will be a Russian radio station?”. We started to juggle over this topic, and the idea was suddenly born, and what if it would be possible to insert a real radio station into the GTA, which would play not the same music, but would have a changing ether.
And then came the idea of ​​GTARama ...

A reader familiar with the project immediately realizes that the Veborama can provide such a broadcast, so for us it remained a problem how to insert this broadcast into the game.

From words to deeds

A bit of surface reverse engineering and we realized that the best way to integrate the radio into GTA would be to modify the mp3 player. The basic plan was this: the client (GTARama), when the GTA is running, downloads tracks to the mood and genre (how to choose - I will write later) to the mp3 games folder, and in the background (GTA does not work) downloads tracks to your cache. However, not everything was so simple ...

The fact is that the MP3 player GTA reads the contents of the mp3 folder before starting the game and does not react to deleting / adding files. This was overcome by the fact that the client does in the mp3 folder ten weborama [0..9] empty files or takes them from the client’s cache. Then in the course of the game you can download everything else and replace the already lost tracks.

To heighten the effect, we even changed the name of the MP3 Player to the Weborama:


GTARama fits into the tray, and only so that it can be closed by right-clicking and selecting "exit" in the menu. She herself will try to find the GTA on the computer, she will make the cache, she will quietly pump files. Since before you turn on the full client you need to pump up the original cache, it is recommended to leave it for an hour at rest. You can even play GTA.

The launch order is very important: First the client, then GTA. The order of completion: GTA, client. Otherwise there may be problems with the patch / unpatch of the game itself. I did say that Mod is very cultured? He retracted after himself as soon as completed. Of course, we tried to foresee all situations of emergency termination, but it is better not to risk it.

To launch a webcam in a game, you need to get in the car and change the radio station to an MP3 player. (You will see WEBORAMA)

Tested on the original version of GTAIII

The last question remains, how to change the air?

Combinations are used for this:

CTRL + F1 - Fun and quiet
CTRL + F2 - Fun
CTRL + F3 - Fun-energetic
CTRL + F4 - Calm
CTRL + F5 - Neutral
CTRL + F6 - Energetic
CTRL + F7 - Sad-calm
CTRL + F8 - Sad
CTRL + F9 - Sad-energetic

ALT + F1 - Any
ALT + F2 - Rap
ALT + F3 - Rhythm and Blues
ALT + F4 - Rock
ALT + F5 - Classic
ALT + F6 - Electronics
ALT + F7 - Alternative
ALT + F8 - Jazz
ALT + F9 - Metal

That's probably all you need to know to use GTARama.

You can download it or watch the source (Delphi 7, distributed under the GPL).

UPD : GTARama is already working with GTA San Andreas. Gone for testing. Monday release.

Project participants:
NickMitin is a client.
necrosis - server part.
sofrus - testing.
andrushkaaaa - promopik.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/40222/

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