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How a flexible camcorder helped eliminate clogging

It so happened that in the apartment, where a very expensive repair at the current prices had just ended, there were constantly blockages in the sewage system. Cable had to be cleaned every other day. The cable was cleared through a drain under the kitchen sink. But by the end of the sewage flowed ...

Open door under the sink

What it looks like

Drain pipe
Pipes, a comb, gates, filters and the counter in the right part are all from system of water supply. We are interested in stock - a gray tee on the left, the exit of which goes into the wall perpendicular to the wall in the direction away from us. If it is dismantled (a couple of minutes), then a semi-rigid cable can be thrust into the opened hole, with which the plumbers in such cases clean the congestion. For a couple of days it helped, and then the water again stopped leaving. Both from a kitchen sink, and from a toilet bowl, a shower cabin and a wash basin in a bathroom.

It became clear that at the junction of the horizontal sewer pipe coming from our apartment, with a vertical common sewer drain of the entire entrance turned out to be a foreign body. It was possible to get to the problem area with the purpose of disassembling, finding the cause of blockage and eliminating this cause only if you dismantle all the expensive plumbing, half of the built-in kitchen with a worktop, break the tile in several areas, and then restore it all. The cost of such a decision - a lot of money and the day of the week of work.


Another solution turned out to be the use of a flexible video camera, with the help of which it was possible to find and remove a foreign body that caused the blockages. I used a flexible camcorder .

The camera comes in a convenient case, attachments are attached to it (a mirror to look “sideways” or “backward”, a hook and a magnet).



Probe diameter 14 mm
Probe length 66 cm
Cable length 2 m
30 frames per second video, VGA resolution standard
Type of video matrix 1/6 VGA CMOS 640x480 pixels
Viewing angle 54 °
Focal length from 6 cm to infinity
There is a backlight

Appearance flexible camcorder and options



Plastic case



Governing bodies

The camera itself

A pen

View of the camera and probe

Options included

Included with the camera are three nozzles - a hook, a mirror and a magnet

Each of these attachments is attached to the camera with secure snap-on fasteners. As a result, the hook, for example, not only does not fall off the camera itself, but also allows you to hook and lift rather massive objects.

In the photo, my daughter holds a camera with a hook attached, on which hangs a massive music center weighing 3.3 kg.


Magnetic nozzle

Magnetic attachment allows you to extract, for example, a nut, accidentally dropped in a hard-to-reach place. The magnet is small, but strong enough - it firmly holds, for example, an anti-steamer weighing 30 grams.

The third nozzle - a mirror - allows you to look at an angle of about 90 degrees to the axis of the camera, which is very useful if the camera is in a narrow space and you can’t bend it to look "sideways".

Source of blockage

We now return to the original problem - to find and eliminate the cause of blockage of sewage. A video camera was inserted through a hole about 50 mm in diameter (marked with a red arrow in photo No. 3). The camera has its own backlight and produces a high-quality image on the laptop screen. It took about half an hour to learn how to control the camera, to understand where the top is and where the bottom is in the picture. But the efforts were fully justified when the old gasket, which was the cause of blockages, was removed from the pipe.

The removed object lies on a paper towel 225x225 mm

Another example of using the camera

On the inner wall of the loggia the builders installed an electric radiator.

Electric radiator on the loggia

The connection with this team has been lost, and it is not clear how this radiator is fixed, how to remove it for repair. To look from the side, from above or from below does not help.

View from above

Side view

The type of attachment and how to dismantle it is not visible.

The flexible probe, at the end of which the camera is placed, easily penetrated to the attachment point.

Fragment of radiator fasteners

Fragment of radiator fasteners

Photos are extremely simple. Looking at the laptop screen and seeing the desired frame there, with the thumb of the right hand we press the button on the camera handle (see the picture at the beginning of the article). Next is the technique - the file with the picture is saved on the laptop, you can process it with any program for working with images. Photoshop and other expensive programs are optional.

Video example

Under the crib we look electric plug and socket


Connecting a flexible video camera with a computer

I tested it with several stationary desktops and with three laptops. At all - Windows 10. Before connecting the camera, you must install the drivers that come with it. There were problems with two ACER laptops (probably, some incompatibility with USB 3.0 ports from this manufacturer). On a laptop from Samsung and on the desktops there were no problems. And with laptops from ACER, we also managed to set up the camera, if you connect it not directly to the standard USB 3.0 port, but through a simple USB hub (USB splitter).


With such a connection, the exchange rate corresponds to the USB 2.0 standard, but this is quite enough.


In addition to this camera, I had to use cheap "endoscopes", issuing an image on a smartphone. The price of these devices is several times lower, but the image quality due to the small diameter of the camera is also several times worse and it is almost impossible to control the camera. Highly recommend flexible camcorder . She already saved me about a hundred times more money than the amount I gave for her.

Potential buyers
With a 10% discount A flexible video camera can be purchased with the promotional code GT-VM .

Author: Peregudov Mikhail Alexandrovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Moscow

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/402219/

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