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"Anatomy" of home speakers: built-in speakers, my sound is my walls

Today, minimalism and ascetic trends in interior design are becoming increasingly popular. Many do not consider the abundance of objects decoration living space. Some even believe that the design of any speaker system, as well as the demonstration of the equipment, is bad form and disfigures the room environment. Some people try to imitate the historical interior of a particular era, in which they intentionally reduce the number of modern objects. It also happens that classical acoustics take up too much space and “eat up” the volume of small rooms. Well, the tastes do not argue, but the issue of lack of living space is relevant, therefore, today the material about embedded speakers.

These speakers have become a real gift for those who wanted to save the design of the room from the influence of the appearance of acoustics and save the usable area. As it turned out, many GT readers have questions about the choice of such devices, their proper placement and installation. In this article I will try to answer readers' questions and also put together a few useful recommendations from PULT experts. As an afterword, some jeans with links (thanks in advance for your understanding and tolerance of our advertising in posts).

A few words about stereotypes

There are widespread stereotypical opinions about the low sound quality of embedded speakers, their cost, and other shortcomings.

Stereotype 1. Embedded speakers are cheap speakers for playing background music in shopping facilities.

This opinion was formed when there were no large numbers of embedded speakers that meet high standards (for example, HI-FI) on the market. High-quality acoustics of this type were rare, and the most common built-in acoustics were translation systems and speakers for shopping centers. Today the situation is different, but the sediment, as they say, has remained.
Stereotype 2. The sound quality in similar speakers is a priori lower than that of other types.

Judgments of this kind appear after embedded speakers are mounted without taking into account the acoustic features of the room, in violation of the manufacturers' instructions, and, naturally, sound bad.

Stereotype 3. Built-in speakers with decent (high-quality, good, "divine") sound prohibitively expensive

One can only partly agree (in the case of Hi End acoustics), since there are quite a few models of such acoustic systems with worthy characteristics that are comparable and sometimes cheaper than classical analogs.

Classification and application features

It can be conditionally enough to divide the built-in acoustics into the wall - In Wall (as a rule, a rectangular shape) and round - the ceiling - InCell.

The main feature of the InCell speakers is a small mass. As a rule, manufacturers count it in such a way that it would be possible to easily install them on drywall or suspended ceilings.

Built-in acoustics can be unpackaged (speakers / speakers + crossover), open type (speakers located on the front panel) and modular - flat closed box for installation in niches and recreation.

Embedded speaker systems have the following advantages:

Like any other speakers, they are not without flaws:

The open type is good because the size of the frontal plane is already determined by the manufacturer, but is relatively rare.

Case modular embedded speakers compare favorably:

The disadvantages of this type include:

It should be borne in mind that depending on the acoustic design changes the frequency response of the embedded speakers. In a flat, closed box, the severity of low is characteristically reduced, and there will probably be a hump in the medium and high-frequency range, which should be considered when choosing a type.

It is necessary to inform the designer, who is entrusted with the creation of the project, about the type and dimensions of such NPPs, as well as notify the contractor who will be engaged in decorating. Depending on the selected option and the specific model, the installation depth of the installation of such acoustics is in the range from 55 to 110 mm.

I want to note that most embedded speakers, regardless of type, are provided with detailed installation instructions and special templates for layout. Depending on the design decision, the front parts of the speakers (diffuser grilles, panels, fixtures, arcs) can be painted in one color or another.


By design, most models of embedded speakers can be divided into:

The choice of speaker design is determined by their purpose. To create side and central front channels in home theater systems it is recommended to use multiband speakers. In the case of ceiling placement, it is advisable to use the coaxial type, as the most compact and common in InCell design. In cases where speakers are planned to be used primarily for high-precision music playback, many experts recommend high-quality broadband and two-band systems.

Installation and placement - 50% of the result


Installation is especially important for the packageless type, since everything will depend on its features, except for the characteristics of the emitters themselves. In the case of modular speakers, quite simple manufacturer recommendations.

The basic principles of installation of built-in embedded speakers:

It should also be understood that each manufacturer has its own specifications for the placement and installation of built-in acoustics, which are detailed in the product documentation. Instructions for the purchased model must be provided to the designer and craftsmen who will carry out the installation.


When using multiband (5.1, 7.1,) surround sound systems for home theaters, speaker placement is important. Experts recommend to strictly adhere to those schemes, which are specified by the manufacturer.

For 5.1 and 7.1 systems, the following schemes are standard.

Anyway, when placing the built-in acoustics, you should always remember about where the listener is and how they will perceive the stereopanoram. In addition, it is noted that with overhead placement the zone of correct perception of the stereo effect increases significantly.

rice 1 - stereo effect with standard layout, fig. 2 and 3 with a ceiling corner layout

(Psychoacoustic studies have established that a person poorly determines the localization of sources in height, while raising the sources upwards significantly expands the stereo effect zone). If the position of the listener will change regularly, it makes sense to use ceiling or corner placement.

Amphibian speakers and kitchen systems

For many, the equipment of embedded speakers is relevant in places with a relatively aggressive climate (high humidity, temperature) and relatively cramped conditions. In short, where it is difficult and unsafe to place a standard type system, for example, in a bathroom or in the kitchen. For such purposes, many manufacturers produce special products . Moisture-resistant acoustics can be placed in the walls and on the ceiling in the bathroom, kitchen, and, if necessary, in a damp basement. Often the cost of such speakers is quite high, which in turn discourages many buyers.

It should be noted that for bathrooms with a classic tiled lining it is difficult to calculate the most optimal acoustic placement due to the extremely low absorption capacity of ceramic tiles and a large number of reflections. In addition, for people who prefer to listen to Wagner in the shower, experts recommend high-pressure acoustics, as the shower creates a noise level of up to 85-90 dB.

For kitchen speakers, requirements are lower than for bathrooms, and standard systems are often used for such systems. The abundance of kitchen furniture allows you to conveniently place the acoustics directly into it, subject to the conditions of installation. If for some reason the kitchen speaker should be in close proximity to sources of moisture, moisture-proof speakers should be used.

Quite a bit friendly jeans

PULT.RU specialists have tried to choose the best built-in acoustics. Those interested are invited to follow the link .

The article used images Pult.ru, as well as vopros-remont.ru and uralhifi.ru

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/402217/

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