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February ranking of the most media scientific developments

Hello! Today we have a new hit parade of the most media scientific developments of Russian universities. Let me remind you that the rating is compiled monthly, we laid out the January rating here . This project was launched on the one hand to popularize Russian science, on the other - we wanted to understand which scientific developments receive a good press and cause a resonance in the Russian media. The question is not really trivial, because our situation is rapidly drifting towards the west, and good PR for scientific developments is becoming more and more relevant.

Briefly recall the criteria that guide us in the preparation of the rating. In terms of research, they are located according to the simplest and verifiable principle - the number of reprints of the original message. The number of reprints is determined using the information-analytical system of monitoring and effective analysis of the Russian media "Medialogia".

Only Russian developments and only developments of researchers from higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation are included in the rating.
Another caveat - in the rating we do not include a variety of monitoring, measurements of the subsistence minimum, etc. studies performed with a known frequency.

This is what made us happy in February:

February February 10: Waiting for Noah

The ideal explosives, death to staphs, black hole striptease, eternal youth and the global flood - all this and much more in the February charts of the most media scientific developments of Russian universities.


Every creature on a pair

Our hit parade is opened by the initiative of biologists at Moscow State University, which launched a unique information system containing data on half a million plants and ten thousand microorganisms, including micrographs and fragments of genome sequences. By the end of next year, it is planned to upload all samples of MSU collections to the system. The work was done as part of the Noah's Ark project, it remains to understand how animals will be divided into clean and unclean.
10th place, 62 publications


Explosive grail

Russian chemists and physicists, in collaboration with scientists from other countries, have found a way to create super-powerful explosives at relatively low pressure. As one of the developers, Skoltech Professor and MIPT Artem Oganov, recalled, this is about "one of the Holy Grails in materials science, the search for polymeric nitrogen." Polymer nitrogen, an extremely powerful explosive, has so far been obtained only at pressures above one million atmospheres, which automatically removed the question of its industrial production. And although the research team managed to reduce the pressure at which a substance is formed with a bunch of nitrogen-nitrogen bonds, only up to 230 thousand atmospheres, the news still turned out to be a very popular press: 9th place in the ranking.
9th place, 67 publications

Cock Staphylococcus

In the eighth place of our first scientific charts - the development of the university, which today debuts in our ranking. Chemists PGNIU have issued a patent for a method of obtaining new chemical compounds that will help to overcome the famous Staphylococcus aureus. It is known to be the most common cause of nosocomial infections. According to Perm, their compounds were 2-3 times more effective in the fight against Staphylococcus aureus than the most common antiseptics.
8th place, 69 publications


Black hole, open your face!

Astronomers of Moscow State University have published an article telling about the reasons why supermassive black holes in the centers of galaxies "open their faces." The fact is that usually the observation of these celestial "heavyweights" is hampered by a huge amount of dust and gas surrounding the nuclei of galaxies. But sometimes all this space debris disappears for no apparent reason, and a supermassive black hole, as astronomers say, “opens its face,” all its surroundings become visible to telescopes. Media interest in the reasons for such openness turned out to be quite large and brought the study to the seventh position.
7th place, 70 publications


Panacea for the nation

The MSU astronomers take over the baton from MSU chemists. These worthy people presented in February the development, which the journalists managed to christen "panacea for chemical weapons" and "antidote for pesticides." We are talking about the nanoparticles obtained at the chemical faculty of the largest Russian university, which can be used as a protective agent against chemical agents and toxic pesticides. Experiments on rats have confirmed that the substance protects even the most powerful types of chemical weapons, such as VX gas, from usually lethal doses.
6th place, 74 publications


... or a breakthrough in prosthetic for vessels

The hegemony of Moscow State University in February in the TOP-SCIENCE rating is briefly interrupted by Siberia. The joint scientific group (Novosibirsk State University, Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Federal Biomedical Research Center and Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences) has created tissue-engineering structures that, according to the authors, can replace human vessels in the future. The properties of artificial vessels are as close to physiological as possible, which will reduce the risk of inflammation, thrombosis and other negative processes in patients after transplantation.
5th place, 97 publications


The road to 800 thousand galaxies begins with a catalog

Sometimes they come back - astronomers of Moscow State University are with us again. This time, scientists from Moscow State University, together with their colleagues from France, submitted to the scientific community the RCSED catalog, which contains information about 800 thousand galaxies. According to the creators, this is the world's largest homogeneous data set for galaxies. The magic of round numbers worked - the news was reprinted in the media exactly a hundred times and led astronomers to fourth place in our charts.
4th place, 100 publications


And I recognize the terrorist by walking ...

“Bronze” in February 2017 is received by experts from the National Nuclear Research University MEPhI, who have released a program that monitors the unusual behavior of people in a crowd, mainly in the manner of walking. According to the creators, this development is primarily focused on modern IT security systems for railway stations, airports, etc. However, the program does not require expensive equipment, the power of a trivial smartphone is enough.
3 place, 101 publication


"Years to one hundred to grow to us without old age"

Researchers at Moscow State University are in second place, and this is the fifth university development on the Sparrow Hills in the “top ten” February TOP-SCIENCE rankings. University biologists, together with researchers from Stockholm University, obtained a substance that slows down aging. The developed artificial antioxidant SkQ1 in the process of experimental studies showed that the mice receiving it showed signs of aging much slower, while the life expectancy significantly increased. According to scientists, a "cure for old age" may appear in pharmacies after 2-3 years.
2 place 127 publications


World Ocean will increase Siberia?

Noah's Ark started, end the global flood. The most notorious scientific development of February was a large-scale study conducted by Ural scientists from the Laboratory of Climate and Environment Physics of the Ural Federal University together with colleagues from research institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, France, Germany and Japan. The main sensation was the prediction that due to the melting of the permafrost, eight regions of Russia could go completely under water in the next 50 years. It is offered to prepare for the residents of the Arkhangelsk and Murmansk regions, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Yakutia and the Republic of Komi and nearby regions.
1st place, 274 publications


In addition, in February, Russian university scientists treated the heart with canned saury, calculated marital status by social networks, extracted platinum and scandium from water, argued that gadgets did not prevent children from learning and were engaged in solving many equally interesting problems.

March will be even more interesting, we will tell about it in early April. Do not get lost!

Traditionally - a couple of words about the results. The rating is held for the second month, and the second month is the same “pyramid of media needs”. Below - development in the field of exact sciences (10, 9, 7 place). The people in them are not well versed, but also interested. A prerequisite for getting into the rating - the research topic should be clear to the average person. Which, of course, cuts off the lion’s share, and this is sad. Here is the main “oddity” of the rating - an unexpectedly high place in the astronomical catalog.

Above the exact sciences - the bulk of research, replicated by the media, which are devoted to scientific developments, one way or another connected with health. In February, it is 8th, 6th, 5th and 2nd place. As always, 1-2 scientific oddities, reprinted on the principle of “funny research, people will read” are located closer to the top.

But on top of the “pyramid of journalistic needs” there are always and only serious social problems. In January, this was the future of Russian pensions, in January, the “drowning” of eight Russian regions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/402159/

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