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"We disassemble" the printed house

Comment on the article In Russia, the first concrete apartment house was printed for 594,000 rubles and turned into a full-fledged (almost) article. Thank you Alizar , pushed.

Since I’m going to make out, it’s complete, so the text will contain comments and simple quibbles :). Well, also, in the text it is not always clear what is (and is) the advantage of this particular technology, and what is the usual description. But since all the material looks very much (and even if I am biased - I have the right) to advertise the cell, sort and understand the intricacies of “what did the author think / did he want to say?” Nichachibudu: P.

I'll start with the title and hereinafter.
(warning: analysis is not completed, a little trifle remains, but there was not enough fuse for it)

Have you been waiting for a headline? Suffer a little more.

Must express their attitude to the subject and the company. Yes, I like the technology; I use all the hands for development, experimentation and competition. Well done guys, they did a cool thing! I just want honesty, openness (except for absolutely know-how), technical details and less information hiding. I even understand why this is the flow and I do not condemn it, because it is necessary to attract investors, to interest buyers or customers, but just some internal sense of “justice” chtoli.


In Russia, printed the first residential house

The concept of “residential building” is quite specific (legally, and only to whom, if not a construction organization, to know). A “dwelling” house can only become after a heap of different procedures, some need to be carried out before construction (although not necessarily, it is possible later, but then “something is printed that after, maybe, it will be possible to transfer it to the housing stock” ...) . There is a strong doubt that in this particular “building” (“building”, “building”? Legal terms are not defined, and I even moreover all are equal :)) will be allowed to live (especially considering the location). It follows that the correct title “% company_name% has written a prototype of a residential building”.

In general, this idea of ​​Thomas Edison is over 100 years old (patent). Over the decades, printing technology from concrete has changed ...

The patent is not about printing, but about pouring into formwork. Is it possible to count any fill as a seal? Then let's turn immediately to the Romans (about the "new hrenology" and the Egyptians do not need). (and I will not even argue on the subject of “true authors” of inventions patented by Edison, but to keep a patent it is not necessary to be the author of the idea)

This is the first house in the Russian Federation, printed entirely

Not entirely! What is directly stated in the text and estimates.

The advertised 24 hours is only the pure Apis Cor. It was included at different stages for printing self-supporting walls, partitions and building envelopes.

Because besides this, he can only print some kind of platform for a lawn and a car. And, as usual, walling is far from the most time-consuming occupation in construction.

(detailed estimate), but this is without the cost of some specialists

Yeah, without the cost of "half" of the works of "half" of specialists. (I really do not want copying from there). The most interesting thing is that part of the work was taken into account, why is the rest not? With that those that are usually included in the detailed estimate. After all, this estimate of the contractor himself, and not a third-party customer, who is not given detailed description of the cost of each operation, for example, an electrician, of the form: installation of floorpans, installation of a shield, connection of automatic devices, and write out the final figure.

The printer is quite mobile. The loader brings him in the back ...

Bricklayers are also quite mobile units :). A non-mobile printer is ... well, a bit strange. This is not “permanent formwork” becoming a part of the building, and masons do not seem to be embedded in the walls. That is, the natural and the obvious is presented as an advantage or “and we didn’t claim that this advantage, where you saw this, we just said that it is being transported”? Well so - either “New Flakes. Now, without asbestos! ”, Or separate where and what (the claim may not even to Alizar).

and installs on the prepared foundation at the construction site.

Assume that the foundation is not part of the house (but is part of the structure) and the printer is not obliged to print it. Well, the usual construction site is also being prepared before construction. What is the advantage or difference? Another "construction for dummies."

The printer is connected with a hose to a large concrete mixer, that is, an automatic system for mixing and feeding the mixture. It looks like this.

That mixer, which is used in any monolithic (and not only) construction? Not only, by the way, sometimes the foundation and the site surrounding the building are poured from it. Yes, perhaps this is just a description of “construction for dummies” (let it be a niggle too). Compare - "faucet with a faucet is installed on the sink connecting to the water supply pipes", crap? And if you add "therefore it is not necessary to carry bottled water and pour water into the sink over the sink" - this is the description, the advantages over the bottles, and there is no need to guess!

The device has an interesting design.

Not really (a typical self-elevating tower crane inside the building), the second option is a gantry or bridge crane, but instead of a “hook” there is a print head, and the third one is suspended on cables to the arches or on vertical racks - the head is “delta”. In fact, we take any classic 3D printer - only larger and without a mobile portal (although ...).

Next comes the beautiful picture "how it works"

132m ^ 2

It would seem - wow! But no, the maximum area is a circle, so a square house with an area of ​​132 squares will not work, it will be “and he draws figs to me”.
Although this option of 38 m² is quite suitable for living for a lonely person

There is one thing, there is another ... "Doctor, you decide it already."

2 people to control work

Will the same two people control the concrete plant, its loading and all that?
For those interested - mobile or mobile concrete plant, this device costs 3-8 million rubles. I will clarify that even the smallest plant (15 cubes) requires 3 people for maintenance, maybe you can get by with two, but I'm not sure, and in any case they are needed.

30 minutes to install

And the day to install a concrete plant :). And among all the preparatory work, such things even look attractive, but only if the difference is the week of installation <-> the day of installation. I am sure that two parallel operations are not very new word. By the way, the duration of the dismantling is not indicated (I can hint that in addition to “plunge into the car”, there is still cleaning from the remnants of concrete), for example, the dismantling of a concrete plant sometimes can take more than a day.

0 grams of garbage

That is, if you scrape together one shovel with a shovel, then ... (even not photo 5 can clearly see more than one shovel of garbage, normal builders are hardly much more garbage)
Well, seriously, what is difficult to write - "minimum garbage" or something like that, it will be just more honest and no one will poke a finger ?!

The cost of printing a house made of concrete is much cheaper

The very first line is enchanting, the time for gas blocks is not indicated, but the printer is exactly 3.7 times faster ...

The second line also touches, the finished full-bodied wall of blocks and the hollow of concrete are compared. Oh, yes, the printed one will need to be insulated separately, but then it ... we will not write to make it beautiful :).

I will not talk about prices, I haven’t been guided for a long time, but I don’t want to lie.

1. Almost arbitrary shape of the walls. Rounded walls with any angles.

“A car can be any color if it's black.” Henry Ford

Yes, the house has a corner, but even non-professionals in the comments indicate that the barrel is “not a fountain” and in most cases is simply not convenient. By the way, a straight wall is not radial, can it print exactly?
A drunken mason won't exactly bother you with a project.

So it ... can hire a sober one? Okay, okay, let it be just a Russian joke, although some sober masons do not laugh very much.

The walls immediately after processing are ready for painting with decorative plaster.

Well, what is this ...?! What do the words "after processing" mean? This printer is not able to "print" a flat wall, because the "sausage" is visible to the naked eye :). Therefore, “leveling” is a separate procedure, for this purpose plastering is carried out. Yes, it is possible that plastering can be done immediately with decorative plaster and, even, painted, but only after leveling, otherwise the consumption of more expensive material increases (and judging by the photo, they paint an already smooth decorative plaster). Moreover, it is possible right in the process of printing to align the outer wall with the rule (the inner one too, the head moves on top of the wall).

Plastering with level and beacons is not required

He asked the “familiar decorator”, he looked and said that there really could be done without beacons, one rule with a built-in level: D.

designer fantasy is limited to the available forms of double-glazed windows

The shape of the glass is limited by the manufacturer. Even on a small production can make arches, parallelograms, trapezoids and circles.

here you will not manage ordinary glasses, it is necessary to put double-glazed windows

As far as I remember, even doubles are used in Sochi :). Maybe triple is better, and not with a reduced, but a normal distance between the glasses (according to GOST)?

Among the flaws that come to mind, we can mention the flat roof.

And who made do flat?
A flat roof is not at all obligatory, you can put any roof on the finished walls, even a hemisphere of hexagons for a playground. The roof can even be assembled separately, next to the building, even assembled in parallel with the seal, because the dimensions and everything else is known, so after printing, lift with a crane and place it.

How the insulation between the inner and outer walls will work is also interesting to check. Now the developer is experimenting with two methods of insulation

Are they not even checked and did not count before? O_o

Then I did not have enough * , sorry: (
* except for pre-written comments

- The comments say about the “site”, but we only read about the house, so the site for it, as it were, is or should be, as all coordination and preparation should be carried out or, even, communications have been arranged in advance. The usual "small construction", therefore, I believe that the discussion should be conducted within the framework of the article, and then you can also recall earthquakes, tsunamis, floods.

The supply of communications for individual houses in "this country", is not that quite a simple thing, it is still unknown what is more difficult, to build a house or to bring everything necessary. Electricity, perhaps gas, water (possibly well, with separate problems and costs), water disposal (sewage or toilet, or "external" toilet with a septic tank, again a separate hemorrhoids and additional costs), the Internet is our everything, after all :) .

MTyrz asks a fair question that takes me.
Maybe I look wrong, but in the estimate I hardly see the cost of work

And this is doubly strange, because for some types of work the price is still indicated.

troublesaur talks about fittings
b) does not know how to lay reinforcing materials (the tab is possible, again, only manually) "

But there is nothing complicated, flexible fiberglass reinforcement (yes, even though standard carbon fiber microfiber) can be fed directly into the seam or between them. Although there is not a word in the article about this, there is a reinforcement in the photographs, and there is clearly no supply with concrete.

Update! And as I did not notice, another video was laid out on the website, the foundation was made and the construction of another, less standard rectangular house began:

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/402153/

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