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Digital notary on the blockchain: Emercoin DPO Antifake

EMC DPO is a system based on EmerCoin blockchain and irrefutably proving the right to possess something, a digital certificate confirming the authenticity of a particular item, product or service. The document, claiming rights to any type of property, for which unique numbers are assigned: VIN of cars, cadastral - land plots, licensed - software, and much more.

There are things more reliable than the usual signature

There are many definitions, the essence is the same. Today, EMC DPO is perhaps the most technically reliable tool for protection against fraud and fakes.

The question of why to confirm the property, already certified with paper documents, is relevant only as long as the owner was not affected by the problems related to movable and immovable property, registration of vehicles, software licenses, copyrights to music and works of art . This list is endless.
You say: “We lived without EMC DPO and we will live the same amount”. Well, your right. But imagine: you decide to buy a car. No matter where: in the salon of the company, on eBay or from a private trader, they chose a used car. You can check any model you like using a special system - EMC DPO. And immediately find out where and when this car was released, what parts it had, how many times it was repaired and when it was last serviced. If it is hijacked, you will immediately find out about it.

And if not only cars are registered, but also apartments, land, jewelry? Anything! Perhaps it would be the key to perfect deals without corruption, deception, disappointment.

Not to be unfounded, we give specific examples.

  1. Emercoin together with the Petrodvorets watch factory "Rocket" introduce blockchain technology into the production of exclusive wristwatches, which will allow to confirm the authenticity of products and completely exclude the possibility of forgery. Also in the blockchain will be stored information about the date of production, the master, which collected the clock, and repairs, if any, were made. All expensive watches have a serial number, it is assigned at the production stage and is applied directly to the product itself. Therefore, exclusive watches are an ideal candidate for writing to the blockchain, because it is fairly easy to enter them into the digital registry.

  2. Company HashCoins based on the blockchain mercoin has created a service of accounting for vehicles and their components. The project was presented to the government of one of the Baltic countries, negotiations are underway with two global automakers.

What is the essence of the project? On the autoblockchain, you can store the records and the history of any vehicles - be it motorcycles, cars, boats or helicopters, as well as their components, including motors and expensive electronic components. The history of the change of their owners. History of insurance claims, etc. Remember the key to the perfect world? So - it has already been created!

And now let's understand how it all works. For this we consider two sides - the buyer and the manufacturer.

From the point of view of the buyer:

A person decides to buy an expensive watch. Comes to a specialized store, gets your favorite model. He returns home, opens the cherished box and realizes that the purchased product is a cheap fake. Such situations, unfortunately, are not uncommon.

Now back to the initial moment of purchase: the same store, the same buyer. He chooses a product and on the box you see a QR code with the accompanying inscription something like “scan me to make sure that I’m not a fake”.

He scans the QR code. Automatically gets on the manufacturer's website, where he will find out information about whether there is a product with such a serial number and whether it was previously bought by someone else.

Therefore, even in the store it is possible to make sure that the goods are not fake and have not been previously used. Moreover, at home, having unpacked the purchased goods, the buyer finds another QR code hidden behind an opaque protective film with an accompanying label inside the box, something like “product activation”. After removing the film, the owner of the product scans the QR-code and presses the "Activate product" button. In a few seconds, information on the purchase of this product will be publicly available both on the manufacturer’s website and in the Emercoin blockchain.

That is, a regular user-buyer needs only some kind of gadget with a QR code scanning program installed on it in order for EMC DPO to work.

From the point of view of the manufacturer:

The manufacturer of any goods - for example, watches or jewelry - decides to protect its brand from fakes. To do this, he places the EMC DPO web application on his website, writes entries in the blockchain about each item, creates a special QR code.

As you can see, everything is extremely simple. Especially if you are well aware of what a blockchain is. Any gaps in this area? No problem. We will help you to form a basic idea.
In fact, the blockchain is a large database hosted on the network and accessible to a huge number of users. It is with the consent of the latter that all data are entered into the database.

And once the recorded information can not be changed or erased. This means that the system allows the user to securely save money and important documents, track transactions and operations, as well as independently, without intermediaries, perform cash transactions.

The blockchain is like a glass safe in which every transaction, every transmitted or registered document is visible. But it is impossible to take it from the safe, that is, to remove it. You can only make changes, and this right has only the owner. The main properties of this technology: publicity, distribution and mathematical accuracy. Emercoin's blockchain is based on Name-Value Storage (NVS) technology, a distributed trusted storage of any kind of records in name-value format.

NVS technology solution is an ideal solution for verifying reliably recorded information about the ownership of any goods or services. Each NVS entry is unique and belongs to only one owner. Only the owner can change the record.

Therefore, the use of decentrazized storage in the form of a blockchain will provide complete transparency over the actions of manufacturers. This is the main reason why it is necessary to use the blockchain, and not a simple database. With the blockchain manufacturer, it will not be possible to release an unrecorded, fake product - everything will be public and open.

How to deploy EMC DPO on the server? The article by Sergey Vakuly, the information technology director of the Emer Emergency Group, describes step by step the algorithm of necessary actions .

HashFlare uses Emercoin technology in its work

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/402151/

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