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Continuing the theme of “Cancer. What to do with him..."

I can not add a comment to “Cancer. What to do about it ... ", so I am writing here - this is an important topic.

At one time, I worked for a long time with people from the Military Medical Academy, many friends, doctors. I have an idea about laboratory research, clinical trials, statistics on the use of results.

In June of this year, a regional oncologist made a conclusion on the results of an MRI scan of my spine: oncology of the 4th stage is not treated. Two vertebra with a pathological fracture, a few more are affected. It was not a complete surprise, although before that there were suspicions of prostate oncology. The background is as follows.
In March of this year, went to the hospital. Five days of back pain, swollen stomach, enemas did not help. In the hospital, the intestines were washed, looked at the rectum, watched a week and sent home. The back was still aching, but they refused to do a spinal examination (they say, a long line, to wait a long time ...). At the same time, a mossy old woman, a neuropathologist, cited the following argument: "What, will you do the operation if something is wrong?". The argument is strong, since a spinal surgery should really only go as a last resort. Back pain gradually subsided.

Soon he made an analysis of PSA - a tumor marker that assesses the risk of prostate cancer. I did it because PSA was upgraded a year ago, and then I was sent for a consultation to the city oncologic dispensary. They made an ultrasound option and released, saying to be observed by your urologist. And what could he see? This year, PSA was 51 ng / ml, and a biopsy was done in May. Biopsy is a traumatic procedure. No crime was found ... the doctor put it this way: "Until fate ...". I felt elevated because PSA 51 is almost certainly cancer. And then it seemed to be okay, and there is nothing to worry about.

However, three weeks later, he again grabbed his back. Then they did the MRI with which I started. Tumors in the prostate were not found, but metastases in the spine confirmed its presence. And with repeated biopsy, she showed up. At the same time, PSA was already 156 - the first biopsy sharply spurred the process.

PSA Dynamics:
June 2015 - 9 ng / ml
April 2016 - 51 ng / ml
July 2016 - 156 ng / ml

In this case, the norm, which depends on age (and on the place where you read about it) is most often up to 2.5 at the age of 40, and up to 5 - over 60 (this is my case).

An indicator of up to 10 (or even up to 15) is considered a "gray zone" - this is an area of ​​increased risk, but not necessarily that of cancer. A biopsy is exactly the process starts. The final decision is not here, in my opinion. A friend had 8, and he was biopsied without hesitation. They found a tumor in the primordium itself and removed it successfully, without any violation of urination and erection. (But it was in Korea when he worked for Samsung). I have not managed to detect a tumor with PSA 51 for the first time, and at the same time there is no feeling that they were in the city dispensary. In terms of the situation in general, it seems right to me not to do a biopsy with a slight overshoot. But if there is an increase, then it is necessary constantly, once every three or four months, to do an analysis for PSA (this is an easy analysis), and if the indicator grows even by one, it will be a biopsy.

Treat me with hormones. Prick Zoladex and tablets BIKAN. In addition, I accept one homeopathy (drops based on my own blood) and peas (of some traditional composition). Still drinking the composition of the SDA fraction 2 - a veterinary drug, recommended by one of my friends. On the network they write about him differently, but decided to try.

Today, cancer is divided into several types - according to the degree of cell degeneration. The simpler the cell becomes, the more aggressive it behaves. The ratio of altered cells is important, and it is accounted for by the Gleason sum. The amount varies from 2 + 2 to 5 + 5 (the last is the hardest). I have 4 + 4. I found in one place that with these figures the probability of living for five years is 30%. It would be nice if so ...

While I am lucky (although tomorrow may be different). Over four months, PSA fell to 1.7. No pain. Exercise at the gym (next door was a small room from the center of Dr. Bubnovsky - to strengthen the muscular backbone) - 80 percent of a full workout.

Cons: reduced testosterone. Increased weight (3 kg more than normal). Mood swings. Procrastinated more than before. Part of the work plans had to be abandoned and not planned for more than six months.

Feel one thing. Oncology is a highly probable field. Doctors do not give predictions, because it is likely to somehow damage the sick word. There are only general statistics. But one day I came across a list of case histories (about a hundred, supplement to a patent application for a new diagnosis of oncology). People compared their diagnostics with the existing one, that is, they needed an evidence base and dug deeply. At the same time, no patient stood before ... There were 1-2 patients in this list with cancer tumors with PSA below normal! And there were 3 people with PSA from 40 to 70 in whom the oncology was not identified with all the efforts.

If such a misfortune happens to you, try to make sure that only those without your help can do about it. Even friends should not tell. Without consolation you will manage. And people, knowing about your illness, will find it harder to communicate with you (they will always keep in mind not to tell you too much that you should behave in a special way ...). It will disturb you and them.

It also seems to me that if, in addition to official methods, you decide to use some kind of folk remedy that does not directly contradict these methods, then a little healthy fatalism will be in place. Again, because here everything is on probabilities. There are many such methods (juices, complete hunger strike, herbs ...) It is not known which of them is most effective in your case. The choice will always be a matter of chance.

In general, a person with this diagnosis falls into the Zone, where he is a stalker. It is necessary to shake up your life values, your ideas about common sense and intuition. Update them. If he is able to respond to his critical situation at some new level, then you can find the best way to get it through ...

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/402145/

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