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March 8: about women who were first

On March 8, let us remember the first women in programming, space and business. We will talk about the first woman who laid the foundations of programming, the first woman’s flight into space, the multi-millionth computer company founded by two housewives, and the first double Nobel Prize winner in the history of the award.


First female programmer

The daughter of the poet George Byron, known to us by the name of Ada Lovelace, was probably the smartest woman of her era. By the age of thirteen, she already had several drawings of aircraft. She was acquainted with Charles Babbage , who had already invented a logarithmic machine. Ada has mastered this car, thought about its improvement and about various variants of tasks. Babbage himself called Ada a fairy because of her small stature.

Ada compiled a program for solving a system of two linear algebraic equations with two unknowns and introduced the concept of working variables, using the idea of ​​consistently changing their content. The second program from Lovelace was compiled to calculate the values ​​of a trigonometric function with multiple repetitions of a given sequence of computational operations - here the concept of a cycle appeared for the first time in programming. The third program is designed to calculate Bernoulli numbers, where recurrent nested loops are used. Ada Lovelace suggested that calculations can be performed not only with numbers, but also with other objects.

The first woman to receive the Nobel Prize

In 1903, Maria Sklodowska-Curie, together with Pierre Curie and Henri Becquerel, won the Nobel Prize in Physics "In recognition of the extraordinary possibilities that they discovered in their joint research on the radiation phenomenon discovered by Professor Henri Becquerel."

In addition to this award, Maria received another in chemistry in 1911 - no longer in a team, but individually, "for the discovery of radium and polonium." She became the first twice Nobel laureate in history.

Interestingly, to get an education, Maria and her sister Bronislava had to agree for several years to governess, and in turn. While Maria worked as a tutor, Bronislava studied at the Medical University in Paris, and after that Bronislava became a doctor, and Maria went to Paris to study chemistry and physics. Accordingly, the training paid for her sister.


The first female millionaire in the United States

Madame C.J. Walker embodied the American dream at the beginning of the 20th century. She did not just start her own business, but earned a fortune of $ 1 million, which, taking into account inflation for 2017, is almost 15 million. In addition to problems due to her gender, she had to contend with another factor: racial segregation. She was black at the time when there were separate buses, cafes and toilets for the “colored ones”.

Sarah Breedlove’s business was based on the treatment of hair loss, which she initially selected for herself, and then traveled around the country and sold to other women, inspiring them and helping them to become more beautiful.


The first woman cosmonaut

The first woman cosmonaut is Valentina Tereshkova. On June 16, 1963, she started from Baikonur on the Vostok-6 spacecraft and spent almost three days in space. Tereshkova was the tenth cosmonaut in the world, the first woman in Russia to become a major general and the only woman who made a space flight alone.

In 1962, Valentina studied as an astronaut, passed the final exams with excellent marks, and after the flight she became an instructor.

In general, the flight took place, but not perfect. One of the astronaut's mistakes was that she distributed food supplies from the diet to the locals after landing, and the food itself was ordinary food after three days of fasting in space. She failed to properly orient the ship due to improper installation of the control drives: instead of reducing the orbit, she was given commands to rise. As a result, Sergey Korolev said: "As long as I am alive, no woman will go into space anymore." And the next flight of a woman into space took place after his death, in 1982.


The first woman to become the head of a company from Fortune 500

American entrepreneur Eugene Meyer won on crises, he bought shares for a penny, and then their price soared to heaven. During the Great Depression, he bought the bankrupt Washington Post newspaper and appointed his son-in-law, Philip Graham, chief editor. After Graham's death, Meyer’s daughter Katherine Graham became head of the newspaper. So she became the first woman to lead the company in the Fortune 500 ranking.

For twenty years, Graham was the CEO of the Washington Post. Since its submission, materials have been published denouncing Richard Nixon, which was the beginning of the Waterrung scandal. For this, the newspaper won the Pulitzer Prize, and Graham herself received the same prize for his memoirs.


The first women to establish a multi-million company for the production and sale of computers

Companies with a huge and interesting history, IBM , in the 1970s had to compete in the computer market with the multi-million computer manufacturer Vector Graphic, which was created by two housewives .

The husband of one of these housewives, Bob Harp, ordered the Altair 8800, one of the first amateur computers , for himself in the first half of the 1970s. Bob did not like the memory board, so he made his own and replaced the standard one. He put his idea of ​​making a commercial product out of it indefinitely, but when in 1976 his wife and neighbor were looking for an interesting job for themselves, he suggested that they come up with something to do with this board. The next stage of the business was the following conversation: “Carol, what do you think about creating a computer company? I have a small eight-kilo byte RAM board ”, -“ What is a RAM board? ”

Lore Harp and Carol Eli first thought about style. For them, it was important what color the capacitors would stand on the boards, so that they would be combined with other components. In 1976, friends opened Vector Graphic, Lore became president and CEO, and Carol worked in marketing and communications. It all started with memory cards, and then the company assembled an entire system based on the Intel 8080 processor - Vector 1. In 1977, the same Apple II and Vector 1 were presented at the San Francisco exhibition, but the latter was aimed at the business market .

The company could not stand the fight against IBM. Vector Graphic revenue in 1981 was $ 36.2 million, and by 1984 it had dropped to 2.1 million. Instead of struggling, the company had to start making IBM-compatible machines earlier, then it would have a chance.


Dear and wonderful readers! I congratulate you on March 8 and wish you success, good luck and happiness!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/402123/

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