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STREAM: Your call is very important to us.

I heard this phrase several hundred times while waiting for the answer of technical support STREAM. The robot in a beautiful female voice repeated it like a mantra for more than an hour. And for me it became clear its deep meaning.

What does this phrase mean?
She is very vague. So, it is important to STREAM to talk to me so that I remain their client. But they don't care how much time I spend on it. At least a day I will hang on the line.
And this is a complete disrespect to me.

So it turns out that:

We need your money very much, please stay on the line.
But it was possible to make an automatic determination of the queue length, and if it is long, then report it. But this is not done, since the phrase “an approximate waiting time of 1.5 hours” would frighten many away.

And so, a man, tormented to wait for an answer, hangs up, and doubts torment him. After all, it could raise in 10 seconds, if he waited more. And it turns out himself to blame.

But it was possible to organize a call-center in another way: turn on an answering machine, if the expected waiting time is more than 15 minutes, for which you can leave information for specialists and a phone where they could call back. And if you also fix the caller's number with the caller ID, then the process of calling back itself can be automated.

You call, and you are told: “The approximate waiting time is 1 hour, if you want the operator to call back himself, press 1 to leave a request for voice mail - press two; Stay on line to wait for an operator response. ”

Such a scheme would slightly slow down customer service, if not increase the staff, because in fact it is also a queue, but it would increase their satisfaction, because customers would not need to spend their valuable time on a dull hanging on the wire.

That would be respect for the client, and not for his money.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/4021/

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