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VPS (KVM) with dedicated drives in the Netherlands and the USA free for 1-3 months for all + 1 month bonus for geektimes

The promotion has been extended to 03/20/2017!

Three months have passed since we announced the rental of virtual servers with dedicated drives, which can be better than dedicated entry-level servers and at the same time cheaper. In recent months, we have significantly expanded the range and started to provide this solution not only in the Netherlands, but also in the USA, and there are 8 more locations in turn:

And although the proposal has already managed to take advantage of hundreds of people, we need even more orders to recognize the project as successful and begin providing similar virtual servers in 9 locations in the United States. We ask you to take part in the survey and determine the most interesting regions for you, and in exchange we offer to receive a bonus on the promotion. Details under the cut. We also ask you to pay attention to: ua-hosting.company: we invite you to HostingCon Global in Los Angeles, we give All Access Pass / E5-2650v4 from $ 29 to NL / US



So far we have not received a single critical response from customers who have used our new product - a virtual server with dedicated drives, a full-fledged analogue of a dedicated server , and hundreds of virtual machines are currently busy. And in this regard, we began to provide a similar solution not only in the Netherlands, but also in the United States :


We will be glad if you decide to work with us to provide an even more extensive geography of providing this solution, as well as dedicated servers, at uniquely low prices:


We’re starting a campaign to further draw your attention to this product, the term of the promotion is until 10.03.2017 03/20/2017 , but it may be extended if you do not fulfill the sales plan, stay tuned, but don’t think too long. When paying VPS (KVM) for a period of 3 months - 1 month bonus , 6 months - 2 months bonus , 1 year - 3 months bonus! To receive the bonus, contact the sales department after payment (open the request from the billing).

Also, anyone who leaves an order number in this thread in the comments, we will give +1 month of service absolutely free, provided that this is a new order and full payment of this order!

Existing customers can receive a +2 month bonus by the term of their service if the service is extended for a period of one year.

You also have the opportunity to use our services absolutely free and even earn.


+1 month free of charge for the period of validity of any http://ua-hosting.company/vds in the Netherlands or the United States in the case of an order by referral of any VPS with dedicated drives or a dedicated server. Referral link can be obtained in billing and in addition to the bonus to receive from 5% of payments from attracted customers. In cases of large volume of orders - the conditions are negotiated individually.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/402091/

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