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Distribute glands for the organization of children's circles robotics

We will once again organize a small distribution of elephants for those who seek to carry the good, the wise, the eternal to the children.

Immediately disappointment: we will be distributing mostly penny Chinese components and only to those who still have no experience working with children. In addition, we most likely confine ourselves to the Sverdlovsk Region and neighboring regions. Well, that good, read under the cut.

We already held a similar event three years ago. Then, as a result of all the overlaps and mutual misunderstandings, two circles were equipped - one at the Mehfak of UrFU, the other - at one of the Talitsa secondary schools (a small town in the east of the Sverdlovsk region). On the basis of the experience gained, this time we do it differently: we will not fully complete the circles, but distribute small sets to start classes, provide support in organizing the circle so that the person can swim out.
So, the main elephant this time will be a small set of Chinese electronic components:

There will be many sets - 84 pieces, 14 classes of 6 sets each. You can spend a couple of classes on them, we wrote a training manual for this case. For every 6 sets we will issue another Multiplo constructor:

As well as the address garland:


The designer and the garland are needed mainly to show the children what to strive for. In addition, it is already possible with two of these devices to conduct classes for two or three children with some success. If in a newly formed circle after a couple of classes there are no more than three children, this is normal, perhaps this is even enough for you to continue working. By the way, we wrote a great course on the fundamentals of robotics, based on these robots and festoons.

In addition, they prepared a guide for organizing circles .

We hope that all this will give good support in organizing the circle, after which you can already swim.

Necessary conditions for obtaining all this stuff:

  1. You do not have to be a professional teacher.
  2. You must have a firm intention to deal with children ...
  3. ... and the possibility of this intention to implement.

All this needs to be demonstrated by filling out a questionnaire and sending it to ddavydov@makeitlab.ru . Perhaps we will ask some additional questions.

We will select questionnaires that meet the three criteria above and otranzhiruem their geography: first - the Sverdlovsk region, then - on the distance from Ekaterinburg. Then take the first 14 and send them sets. Questionnaires are waiting until March 24th.

On this, in general, that's all. The cost of the sets is small, so we will not particularly stand on ceremony.

After the start of classes share with us your success. We will share these successes with Yekaterinburg IT companies, perhaps some of them will want to finance your circle additionally. As long as there is a firm agreement with SKB Kontur on the complete acquisition of at least one circle (the criteria for selection have not yet been invented, let us look at the results of the first classes).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/402081/

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