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NASA proposes to restore the atmosphere of Mars using a magnetic shield

Mars, like Venus, are earth-like planets. They have a lot in common, but there are differences. Scientists do not lose hope of finding life on Mars, as well as terraform this “relative” of the Earth, even in the distant future. For the Red Planet, this task looks simpler than for Venus. Unfortunately, Mars has a very weak magnetic field, which complicates the situation. The fact is that due to the almost complete absence of a magnetic field, the solar wind has a very strong influence on the planet’s atmosphere. It causes dissipation of atmospheric gases, so that about 300 tons of atmospheric gases go into space per day.

According to experts, it is the solar wind that caused the dissipation of about 90% of the Martian atmosphere over billions of years. As a result, the pressure at the surface of Mars is 0.7-1.155 kPa (1/110 from Earth, such pressure on Earth can be seen rising to a height of thirty kilometers from the surface).

The atmosphere on Mars consists mainly of carbon dioxide (95%) with small admixtures of nitrogen, argon, oxygen, and some other gases. Unfortunately, the pressure and composition of the atmosphere on the Red Planet makes the breathing of terrestrial living organisms impossible on the Red Planet. Probably, some microscopic organisms will be able to survive, but even they will not be able to feel comfortable in such conditions.

The composition of the atmosphere is not such a problem. If the atmospheric pressure on Mars were half or one third of the earth, then colonists or marsonauts could be at a certain time of day and year on the surface of the planet without spacesuits, using only a breathing apparatus. Many terrestrial organisms would also feel more comfortable on Mars.

NASA believes that it is possible to increase the pressure of the atmosphere on the neighbor of the Earth if you protect Mars from the solar wind. This protection provides a magnetic field. On Earth, it exists due to the so-called hydrodynamic dynamo mechanism. Fluids of a conductive substance (molten iron) are constantly circulating in the liquid core of the planet, which causes electrical currents that create magnetic fields. Internal flows in the core of the earth are asymmetric, which causes the magnetic field to be amplified. The Earth’s magnetosphere reliably protects the atmosphere from “blowing” by the solar wind.

According to the calculations of the authors of the project of creating a magnetic shield for Mars, the dipole will generate a sufficiently strong magnetic field that will not allow the solar wind to reach the planet

Unfortunately for humans, there is no constant powerful magnetic field on Mars (and Venus), only weak traces are fixed. Thanks to Mars Global Surveyor, it was possible to detect a magnetic substance under the crust of Mars. NASA believes that these anomalies were formed under the influence of the once magnetic core and retained magnetic properties even after the planet itself has lost its field.

Where to get a magnetic shield

Jim Green, NASA Director of Science, believes that the natural magnetic field of Mars cannot be restored, in any case, now or even in the very distant future, humanity cannot do this. But you can create an artificial field. True, not on Mars itself, but next to it. Speaking at the Planetary Science Vision 2050 Workshop event, the report “The Future of the Mars Environment for Research and Science”, Green proposed the creation of a magnetic shield. This shield, Mars L1, according to the authors of the project, will close Mars from the solar wind, and the planet will begin to restore its atmosphere. The shield is planned to be placed between Mars and the Sun, where it would be in a stable orbit. Create a field is planned with the help of a huge dipole or two equal and oppositely charged magnets.

The NASA diagram shows how a magnetic shield will protect Mars from exposure to the solar wind.

The authors of the idea created several simulation models, each of which showed that within a few years after the launch of the magnetic shield, the pressure on Mars would reach half the Earth. In particular, carbon dioxide at the poles of Mars will evaporate, passing into the gas from the solid phase. Over time, the greenhouse effect will manifest itself, Mars will begin to warm, the ice, which is close to the surface of the planet in many of its places, will melt and the planet will be covered with water. It is believed that such conditions existed on Mars about 3.5 billion years ago.

Of course, this is not a project of today, but perhaps in the next century people will be able to realize this idea and terraform Mars by creating a second home for themselves.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/402051/

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