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What is the strength of the brand Bluedio (response to hipsters)

I never thought that my humble post on this blog about Bluedio headphones would cause such a sharp reaction in RuNet. One of the authors of the iPhones.ru website even spent time trying to expose Chinese manufacturers and me at the same time. Heavy artillery went into action: sparkling analogies and witty generalizations. Cherry on the cake was made by old man Pelevin with his Brand Value. I am writing this post, wrapped in a sheet. I will add and crawl to the cemetery. Die! How so! I was lowered below the baseboards!

Seriously, let's see.


Where are the showy and where is the need

To begin, perhaps, with the fact that I agree with my indignant critic-heyterom. If you measure the headphones only with this mythical Brand Value, then the Beats are a billion times better than not only “Bledio”, but in general all other manufacturers. Here, in general, all! Sennheiser and AKG are resting and nervously smoking aside! Because the Beats guys invested in marketing the way the Soviet Union invested in African socialism. And with the same result, by the way.

It is necessary to stop pouring money into commercials and the regular “random” illumination of the headphones in the MTV clips, as buyers run to cheaper and more functional Chinese. I myself wrote about the same thing last time. Catch some rapper on the street, show him the most simple Beats and expensive electrostatic headphones of the same Sennheiser. What will he choose? PF-FF! The author of "iPhones" is certainly right here!
But once again I remind you that for show off (and this is just show off!) You have to pay. I pass the microphone to colleagues with w3bsit3-dns.com. The cost of some Beats headphones is only $ 18. Overpay 180 bucks for air? Obos ... That is, an excellent plan!

However, the haiter from the IPhones played too much in the analogy. And for that now he will have to kick hard ... ears. Comparing Beats headphones with BMW cars and Apple smartphones is complete bullshit. People don't buy expensive cars like BMW or Mercedes ONLY for show off. The road is a dangerous thing. And the security system in expensive cars justifies every dollar overpaid for them. Flying under a wagon on some "Solaris" (not to mention the products of the domestic auto industry) and fly into the "top five" BMW - these are two big differences. In the first case, you will have to go to the cemetery in the form of cargo, in the second - to the hospital. And this thing is stronger than any Brand Value!
"IPhone" also has something to offer the buyer, except for the apple on the case. No matter how scolding a company is for its ruinousness and stupidity in some technical aspects, nevertheless, they have a serious ecosystem of applications. Yes, and the devices work stably. Above the smartphone Xiaomi you need to sit still for an evening, sew a little, then-that. And the iPhone turned on and use. Unless, of course, the temperature is above zero, hehe.
And how did the author with iPhones put cars, smartphones and headphones in one row? How did that happen? Beats headphones will not save life if you buy them, and not any other model. Bluedio headphones are stable and made to last as well as Beats or any other top-end audio brand. Yes, Beats, Sennheiser, etc. play better, I confirmed it in my first test . But is there a point in a tenfold overpayment? Well, let's face it, not for everyone.
Having decided to tell us how Chinese manufacturers manipulate public opinion, the author himself became a manipulator. Who will kill the dragon ...

Do not throw "ridge" in Chinatown

The second argument in the article on iPhones.ru was management. They say that the Chinese can not organize the production process as well as Europeans or Americans. Well, suppose there is some truth in this. In Asia, other cultural traditions, "hazing" is flourishing and, in general, efficiency is not always good. But Asia is changing. Yes, and with the staff, too, everything is not so simple. Look, for example, at this "Chinese".

American. Worked at Microsoft, Google and Uber. He is now heading the audit unit in the very Chinese search giant Baidu, which bluedio backed off money to develop headphones. Do you think such a person would even take a dollar to the side? Yeah, right now, sir! In general, see for yourself where Baidu tops studied . Can we call them "Chinese" in terms of mentality? Yes. But this is a completely new generation. And not the fact that worse conditional "Europeans". Where are all these European technobrends, by the way? At the landfill, they were either bought by the same Chinese, who allegedly could not organize the production process.

In this photo, the third on the left and the fifth on the left are the heads of Bluedio. Both were educated in the USA. And something tells me that they studied well there - fools do not create production companies from scratch.
But let's go back to the cars. An excellent example! Remember what fierce trash let out the Chinese auto industry ten years ago? And with what faces we looked at the brave drivers of this junk? How is the song? “The buck is broken, the tail is burning, but the car is flying. On parole and on one wing. ”

But the time of the four-wheeled Chinese suicides is gone. Now China flunked the world with cheap, imperfect, but still quite acceptable cars. Not a "boomer", or even a "Solaris", but not much worse than the last. Asian management, speak? He is. And its effectiveness is evident. In the picture below, one of the direct competitors of Hyundai Solaris, "Chinese" JAC Motors J4. Unlike the top machine, this guy took 54.5 points and 5 stars in the C-NCAP crash test (the maximum possible score is 62).

This is what I need. It took the Chinese car industry 10-15 years to learn how to make cars. Bluedio has been on the market for 15 years, and its path of trial and error was five years ago.

Better to believe in people than Ponte

You know what? I do not like the argument about Chinese management in principle. Whoever runs Bluedio, I want to believe in people. I believe that the former team of sound engineers Beats was able to properly join the team and realize their potential. I believe in it because I believe in my ears, which tell me that in the budget segment, Bluedio headphones tear everyone and everything. Yes, I am ready to answer for my words: one and all! I believe, because this is confirmed by the expert I invited, Dmitry Ostrovsky, the founder of the D-Show company, and one of the best sound producers in Odessa.

Dmitry listened to several Bluedio models on professional equipment, compared them with the Beats and Sennheiser, giving them a formal victory ... And he did not leave for the forest! Hipsters slander! Dmitry is alive and well and is upset that he writes so little to the mail. So the address where you can get advice on the topic of portable sound will be duplicated:

Why did I write this text

I wrote so many letters that I want to sum up somehow. Pointwise.
1. Do not save on the car. It does not always make sense to save on a smartphone. But you can save on headphones. And you need! Because there is nothing to pay out of your pocket advertising campaigns of brands, receiving in return golimye show off and a pinch of technology.
2. The Chinese also know how to manage. In the end, it is they who bring their headphones to Russia and agree with Umka-Mall , and not vice versa. And Russian headphones do not exist in nature at all.
3. One must believe not in the power of the brand, but in the power of the people. People can create a brand, and a brand of a person - never. Three dozen engineers will do much more useful than three dozen music videos on MTV.

And let's play by the hipster rules. If you share my position on headphones and marketing, put a “plus” material. And if the position of Alexey Petrov is closer with iPhones.ru, put a “minus”. Well, my opponent support

Let's see who wins the battle for the minds.

PS In gratitude for giving me again to speak with my opinion on the podium of the official Russian partner of Bluedio - the Umka-Mall online retailer (whose blog you are reading right now) will give a bit of advertising:
That's just the range of headphones Bluedio replenished with a new model - Bluedio Vinyl Premium . Western audiophiles write, she has very cool bass. And the design is so good that even take Pelevin and call.

Drag, Vitya, here is your Brand Value. We will weigh. Expect a new review from me!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/402033/

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